Program defines the abstract interface, StoragePool.
I.e., given an instance p
of a concrete class derived from StoragePool,
say SomePool,
we can call the member functions like this:
SomePool p; void* ptr = p.Acquire (100); // ... p.Release (ptr);This code sequence first acquires and subsequently releases a 100-byte area of memory.
What is the relationship between the StoragePool class and the operators new and delete? In a C++ program, the new operator is typically used in a statement of the form
T* tptr = new T;where T is the name of a type. The new operator creates a new instance of type T and returns a pointer to that instance. This operation involves three distinct steps:
void* operator new (size_t);I.e., the function operator new takes an argument that specifies the amount of storage to acquire (in bytes), and returns a pointer to that storage.
Similarly, the statement delete tptr releases the object to which tptr points and returns it to the pool of available storage. This operation involves two distinct steps:
void operator delete (void*);
The programmer can take over the management of dynamic storage by overloading (or redefining) the functions operator new and operator delete. For example, given an instance p of a concrete class derived from StoragePool, say SomePool, we can overload the functions like this:
SomePool p; void* operator new (size_t bytes) { return p.Acquire (bytes); } void operator delete (void* vptr) { p.Release (vptr); }In this case, the storage pool is represented by a statically allocated global variable p. All dynamic storage is acquired from and released back to the storage pool p.