Specify the set of values and the set of operations
provided by each of the following Java primitive data types:
- char,
- int,
- double, and
- String.
What are the features of Java that
facilitate the creation of user-defined data types.
Explain how each of the following
Java features supports polymorphism:
- interfaces,
- abstract classes, and
- inheritance.
Suppose we define two concrete classes, A and B,
both of which are derived from the AbstractObject class
declared in Program
Furthermore, let a and b be instances of
classes A and B (respectively) declared as follows:
public class A extends AbstractObject { ... };
public class B extends AbstractObject { ... };
Comparable a = new A();
Comparable b = new B();
Give the sequence of methods called in order to evaluate
a comparison such as ``a.isLT(b)''.
Is the result of the comparison true or false?
Explain. -
Consider the Int wrapper class defined in Program
Explain the operation of the following program fragment:
Comparable i = new Int (5);
Comparable j = new Int (7);
boolean result = i.isLT (j);
Let c be an instance of some concrete class
derived from the AbstractContainer class
given in Program
Explain how the statement
System.out.println (c);
prints the contents of the container
on the standard output stream. -
Suppose we have a container c
(i.e., an instance of some concrete class
derived from the AbstractContainer class
defined in Program
which among other things happens to contain itself.
What happens when we invoke the toString method on c? -
Enumerations and visitors provide two ways to do the same thing--to visit one-by-one all the objects in a container.
Give an implementation for the accept method
of the AbstractContainer class that uses an enumeration.
Is it possible to implement an enumeration using a visitor?
Suppose we have a container which we know contains only
instances of the Int class defined in Program
Design a Visitor which computes the sum of all the integers
in the container. -
Consider the following pair of Associations:
Comparable a = new Association (new Int (3), new Integer (4));
Comparable b = new Association (new Int (3));
Give the sequence of methods called in order to evaluate
a comparison such as ``a.isEQ(b)''.
Is the result of the comparison true or false?