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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Friends Install Log

The beta3 release of the Debian Installer, identified as Sarge i386 Netinst and dated 15 March 2004, was downloaded as an ISO image from http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/sarge_d-i/i386/beta3/sarge-i386-netinst.iso

Boot from CD-ROM. For the Debian install choose English (USA). There is no DHCP on the local network so a static network was configured. Sarge was chosen as the mirror.

Configure the time zone as Australia/ACT. Add Root and User accounts. For apt choose http with the US mirrors.kernel.org (testing). Don't do any task selection for now. No specific exim4 options need be selected - set up as a local system.

Note that to reconfigure, run the base-config program.

Now the setup begins. Install wajig ssh emacs21 less most zile.

The /etc/resolv.conf didn't include my usual search line so it was added:

  search togaware.com

Set up, for the user account, ssh for access to remote accounts if you like, to avoid repeatedly typing a password:

  $ scp athens:.ssh/id_dsa .ssh/
  $ scp athens:.ssh/authorized_keys2 .ssh/authorized_keys
  $ ssh-agent bash
  $ ssh-add
  Enter passphrase for /home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa: 
  Identity added: /home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa)

Now copy setup files from remote hosts:

  $ scp athens:{.bashrc,.bash_profile} . 
  $ scp athens:{.emacs,.emacs-custom,.emacs-kayon} . 
  $ scp athens:{.xsession,.Xresources} .

Copy the same files for root.

Set up apt appropriately:

  # mv /etc/apt-get/sources.list /etc/apt-get/sources.list.orig
  # scp athens:/etc/apt-get/sources.list /etc/apt-get/sources.list
  $ wajig update
  $ wajig dist-upgrade

Use visudo to set up wajig usage for a user. Install grub. Install kernel-image-2.4.24-1-686.

Install ntpdate to set the system clock accurately from a reliable server (e.g., ntp.togaware.com).

Get X Windows working with the nVidia card by installing x-window-system gnome gdm gdm-themes cinepaint xine-ui.

See Section 98.1.1 for details on installing the nvidia driver for accelerated graphics.

Install openoffice.org xmms apache

Run tasksel to install groups of packages.

Install vrms

Copyright © 1995-2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com
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