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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

ToVid: Command Line DVD Creation

Tovid is not currently packaged for Debian. Obtain it from http://tovid.sourceforge.net. Unpack the resulting tar file and go into the folder. Run ./configure to ensure you have the required packages installed. Then you can run the system from there without installing:

$ tovid -pal -in ~/movies/abc.avi -out ABC
$ tovid -pal -in ~/movies/xyz.avi -out XYZ
$ makemenu "Fat" "Like" WA (PRODUCED EMPTY MPG FILE)
$ makexml -menu WA.mpg WAfat.mpg WAsurg.mpg WAmov (DROP THE MENU BIT)
$ makedvd WAmov.xml

Then burn the resulting WAmov.iso to a DVD and play on a consumer DVD player!

Copyright © 1995-2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com
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