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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Xfig: Vector Graphics Editor

With xfig figures are drawn using objects such as circles, boxes, lines, spline curves, and text. Images can be imported, supporting formats such as gif, jpg, and eps.

Xfig saves its figures in its native Fig format that may be converted into various formats such as eps, gif, and jpg

Other applications can produce output in the Fig format, including gnuplot (Section 58.3) and xgraph, both of which can generate graphs direct from the corresponding data. Alternatively, pstoedit can generate input suitable for editting with Xfig.

Figure 43.1: Xfig is an older Unix-based vector graphics tool. It has been quite popular and although its interface is showing signs of its age, it remains a useful and powerful vector graphics editor.
Image xfig-sample

Copyright © 1995-2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com
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