These parameter entities offer a place where you can easily add new elements to the DocBook classes.
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.admon.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.appendix.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Article | Book | Part |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.article.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Book | Part |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.base.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Set |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.chapter.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Book | Part |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.compound.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.descobj.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.docinfo.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.formal.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.gen.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.genobj.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.index.class; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Book |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.informal.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.inlineobj.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.linespecific.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.list.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.nav.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Article | Part | Sect1 |
Sect2 | Sect3 | Sect4 |
Sect5 | Section |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.ndxterm.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.notation.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
AudioData | Graphic | ImageData |
InlineGraphic | ModeSpec | VideoData |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.other.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.para.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.refentry.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Appendix | Article | Chapter |
Part | PartIntro | Preface |
Reference | Sect1 | Sect2 |
Sect3 | Sect4 | Sect5 |
Section |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.synop.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.xref.char.class; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
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