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Microbenchmarking Tools

Finding the truly optimum design can be difficult. In some cases the only way to determine a program's performance on a given hardware and software platform (or beowulf design) is to do a lot of prototyping and benchmarking of the program itself. From this one can generally determine the best design empirically (where hopefully one has enough funding in these cases to fund the prototyping and then scale the successful design up into the production beowulf). This is almost always the best thing to do, if one can afford it.

However, even if you are able to prototype and benchmark your actual application, the design process is significantly easier if one possesses a detailed and quantitative knowledge of various microscopic rates, latencies, and bandwidths and how they depend nonlinearly on certain system and program parameters and features. Let's begin by understanding just what these things are.

Latency is very important to understand and quantify as in many cases our nodes will be literally sitting there and twiddling their thumbs waiting for a resource. Latencies may be the dominant contribution to the communications times in our performance equations above. Also (as noted) rates are often the inverse of some latency. One can equally well talk about the rate that a CPU executes floating point instructions or the latency (the time) between successive instructions which is its inverse. In other cases such as the network, memory, or disk, latency is just one factor that contributes to overall rates of streaming data transfer. In general a large latency translates into a low rate (for the same resource) for a small or isolated request.

Clearly these rates, latencies and bandwidths are important determinants of program performance even for single threaded programs running on a single computer. Taking advantage of the nonlinearities (or avoiding their disadvantages can result in dramatic improvements in performance, as the ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra System) [ATLAS] project has recently made clear. By adjusting both algorithm and blocksize to maximally exploit the empirical speed characteristics of the CPU in interaction with the various memory subsystems, ATLAS achieves a factor of two or more improvement in the excution speed of a number of common linear operations. Intelligent and integrated beowulf design can similarly produce startling improvements in both cost-benefit and raw performance for certain tasks.

It would be very useful to have automatically available all of the basic rates that might be useful for automatically tuning program and beowulf design. At this time there is no daemon or kernel module that can provide this empirically determined and standardized information to a compiled library. As a consequence, the ATLAS library build (which must measure the key parameters in place) is so complex that it can take hours to build on a fast system.

There do exist various standalone (open source) microbenchmarking tools that measure a large number of the things one might need to measure to guide thoughtful design. Unfortunately, many of these tools measure only isolated performance characteristics, and as we will see below, isolated numbers are not always useful. However, one toolset has emerged that by design contains (or will soon contain) a full suite of the elementary tools for measuring precisely the rates, latencies, and bandwidths that we are most interested in, using a common and thoroughly tested timing harness. This tool is not complete9.1 but it has the promise of becoming the fundamental toolset to support systems engineering and cluster design. It is Larry McVoy and Carl Staelin's ``lmbench'' toolset[lmbench].

There are two areas where the alpha version 2 of this toolset used in this paper was still missing tools to measure network throughput and raw ``numerical'' CPU performance (although many of the missing features and more have recently been added to lmbench by Carl Staelin after some gentle pestering). The well-known netperf (version 2.1, patch level 3) [netperf] and a privately written tool [cpu-rate] were used for this in the meantime.

All of the tools that will be discussed are open source in the sense that their source can be readily obtained on the network and that no royalties are charged for its use. The lmbench suite, however, has a general use license that is slightly more restricted than the usual Gnu Public License (GPL) as described below.

In the next subsections the results of applying these tools to measure system performance in my small personal beowulf cluster[Eden] will be presented. This cluster is moderately heterogeneous and functions in part as a laboratory for beowulf development. A startlingly complete and clear profile of system performance and its dependence on things like code size and structure will emerge.

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Robert G. Brown 2004-05-24