/* Command line parser. */ /* If |a| is a prefix for |b| or vice versa, returns the length of the match. Otherwise, returns 0. */ size_t match_len (const char *a, const char *b) { size_t cnt; for (cnt = 0; *a == *b && *a != '\0'; a++, b++) cnt++; return (*a != *b && *a != '\0' && *b != '\0') ? 0 : cnt; } /* |s| should point to a decimal representation of an integer. Returns the value of |s|, if successful, or 0 on failure. */ static int stoi (const char *s) { long x = strtol (s, NULL, 10); return x >= INT_MIN && x <= INT_MAX ? x : 0; } /* Print helpful syntax message and exit. */ static void usage (void) { static const char *help[] = { "bst-test, unit test for GNU libavl.\n\n", "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n\n", "In the option descriptions below, CAPITAL denote arguments.\n", "If a long option shows an argument as mandatory, then it is\n", "mandatory for the equivalent short option also. See the GNU\n", "libavl manual for more information.\n\n", "-t, --test=TEST Sets test to perform. TEST is one of:\n", " correctness insert/delete/... (default)\n", " overflow stack overflow test\n", " benchmark benchmark test\n", " null no test\n", "-s, --size=TREE-SIZE Sets tree size in nodes (default 16).\n", "-r, --repeat=COUNT Repeats operation COUNT times (default 16).\n", "-i, --insert=ORDER Sets the insertion order. ORDER is one of:\n", " random random permutation (default)\n", " ascending ascending order 0...n-1\n", " descending descending order n-1...0\n", " balanced balanced tree order\n", " zigzag zig-zag tree\n", " asc-shifted n/2...n-1, 0...n/2-1\n", " custom custom, read from stdin\n", "-d, --delete=ORDER Sets the deletion order. ORDER is one of:\n", " random random permutation (default)\n", " reverse reverse order of insertion\n", " same same as insertion order\n", " custom custom, read from stdin\n", "-a, --alloc=POLICY Sets allocation policy. POLICY is one of:\n", " track track memory leaks (default)\n", " no-track turn off leak detection\n", " fail-CNT fail after CNT allocations\n", " fail%%PCT fail random PCT%% of allocations\n", " sub-B,A divide B-byte blocks in A-byte units\n", " (Ignored for `benchmark' test.)\n", "-A, --incr=INC Fail policies: arg increment per repetition.\n", "-S, --seed=SEED Sets initial number seed to SEED.\n", " (default based on system time)\n", "-n, --nonstop Don't stop after a single error.\n", "-q, --quiet Turns down verbosity level.\n", "-v, --verbose Turns up verbosity level.\n", "-h, --help Displays this help screen.\n", "-V, --version Reports version and copyright information.\n", NULL, }; const char **p; for (p = help; *p != NULL; p++) printf (*p, pgm_name); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Parses command-line arguments from null-terminated array |args|. Sets up |options| appropriately to correspond. */ static void parse_command_line (char **args, struct test_options *options) { static const struct option option_tab[] = { {"test", 't', 1}, {"insert", 'i', 1}, {"delete", 'd', 1}, {"alloc", 'a', 1}, {"incr", 'A', 1}, {"size", 's', 1}, {"repeat", 'r', 1}, {"operation", 'o', 1}, {"seed", 'S', 1}, {"nonstop", 'n', 0}, {"quiet", 'q', 0}, {"verbose", 'v', 0}, {"help", 'h', 0}, {"version", 'V', 0}, {NULL, 0, 0}, }; struct option_state *state; /* Default options. */ options->test = TST_CORRECTNESS; options->insert_order = INS_RANDOM; options->delete_order = DEL_RANDOM; options->alloc_policy = MT_TRACK; options->alloc_arg[0] = 0; options->alloc_arg[1] = 0; options->alloc_incr = 0; options->node_cnt = 15; options->iter_cnt = 15; options->seed_given = 0; options->verbosity = 0; options->nonstop = 0; if (*args == NULL) return; state = option_init (option_tab, args + 1); for (;;) { char *arg; int id = option_get (state, &arg); if (id == -1) break; switch (id) { case 't': if (match_len (arg, "correctness") >= 3) options->test = TST_CORRECTNESS; else if (match_len (arg, "overflow") >= 3) options->test = TST_OVERFLOW; else if (match_len (arg, "null") >= 3) options->test = TST_NULL; else fail ("unknown test \"%s\"", arg); break; case 'i': { static const char *orders[INS_CNT] = { "random", "ascending", "descending", "balanced", "zigzag", "asc-shifted", "custom", }; const char **iter; assert (sizeof orders / sizeof *orders == INS_CNT); for (iter = orders; ; iter++) if (iter >= orders + INS_CNT) fail ("unknown order \"%s\"", arg); else if (match_len (*iter, arg) >= 3) { options->insert_order = iter - orders; break; } } break; case 'd': { static const char *orders[DEL_CNT] = { "random", "reverse", "same", "custom", }; const char **iter; assert (sizeof orders / sizeof *orders == DEL_CNT); for (iter = orders; ; iter++) if (iter >= orders + DEL_CNT) fail ("unknown order \"%s\"", arg); else if (match_len (*iter, arg) >= 3) { options->delete_order = iter - orders; break; } } break; case 'a': if (match_len (arg, "track") >= 3) options->alloc_policy = MT_TRACK; else if (match_len (arg, "no-track") >= 3) options->alloc_policy = MT_NO_TRACK; else if (!strncmp (arg, "fail", 3)) { const char *p = arg + strcspn (arg, "-%"); if (*p == '-') options->alloc_policy = MT_FAIL_COUNT; else if (*p == '%') options->alloc_policy = MT_FAIL_PERCENT; else fail ("invalid allocation policy \"%s\"", arg); options->alloc_arg[0] = stoi (p + 1); } else if (!strncmp (arg, "suballoc", 3)) { const char *p = strchr (arg, '-'); const char *q = strchr (arg, ','); if (p == NULL || q == NULL) fail ("invalid allocation policy \"%s\"", arg); options->alloc_policy = MT_SUBALLOC; options->alloc_arg[0] = stoi (p + 1); options->alloc_arg[1] = stoi (q + 1); if (options->alloc_arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE] < 32) fail ("block size too small"); else if (options->alloc_arg[MT_ALIGN] > options->alloc_arg[MT_BLOCK_SIZE]) fail ("alignment cannot be greater than block size"); else if (options->alloc_arg[MT_ALIGN] < 1) fail ("alignment must be at least 1"); } break; case 'A': options->alloc_incr = stoi (arg); break; case 's': options->node_cnt = stoi (arg); if (options->node_cnt < 1) fail ("bad tree size \"%s\"", arg); break; case 'r': options->iter_cnt = stoi (arg); if (options->iter_cnt < 1) fail ("bad repeat count \"%s\"", arg); break; case 'S': options->seed_given = 1; options->seed = strtoul (arg, NULL, 0); break; case 'n': options->nonstop = 1; break; case 'q': options->verbosity--; break; case 'v': options->verbosity++; break; case 'h': usage (); break; case 'V': fputs ("GNU libavl 2.0.2\n" "Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2004 " "Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" "This program comes with NO WARRANTY, not even for\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n" "You may redistribute copies under the terms of the\n" "GNU General Public License. For more information on\n" "these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n", stdout); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); default: assert (0); } } }