/* libavl - library for manipulation of binary trees. Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The author may be contacted at on the Internet, or write to Ben Pfaff, Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., 353 Serra Mall, Stanford CA 94305, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "bst.h" #include "test.h" /* Prints the structure of |node|, which is |level| levels from the top of the tree. */ static void print_tree_structure (const struct bst_node *node, int level) { /* You can set the maximum level as high as you like. Most of the time, you'll want to debug code using small trees, so that a large |level| indicates a ``loop'', which is a bug. */ if (level > 16) { printf ("[...]"); return; } if (node == NULL) return; printf ("%d", *(int *) node->bst_data); if (node->bst_link[0] != NULL || node->bst_link[1] != NULL) { putchar ('('); print_tree_structure (node->bst_link[0], level + 1); if (node->bst_link[1] != NULL) { putchar (','); print_tree_structure (node->bst_link[1], level + 1); } putchar (')'); } } /* Prints the entire structure of |tree| with the given |title|. */ void print_whole_tree (const struct bst_table *tree, const char *title) { printf ("%s: ", title); print_tree_structure (tree->bst_root, 0); putchar ('\n'); } /* Checks that the current item at |trav| is |i| and that its previous and next items are as they should be. |label| is a name for the traverser used in reporting messages. There should be |n| items in the tree numbered |0|@dots{}|n - 1|. Returns nonzero only if there is an error. */ static int check_traverser (struct bst_traverser *trav, int i, int n, const char *label) { int okay = 1; int *cur, *prev, *next; prev = bst_t_prev (trav); if ((i == 0 && prev != NULL) || (i > 0 && (prev == NULL || *prev != i - 1))) { printf (" %s traverser ahead of %d, but should be ahead of %d.\n", label, prev != NULL ? *prev : -1, i == 0 ? -1 : i - 1); okay = 0; } bst_t_next (trav); cur = bst_t_cur (trav); if (cur == NULL || *cur != i) { printf (" %s traverser at %d, but should be at %d.\n", label, cur != NULL ? *cur : -1, i); okay = 0; } next = bst_t_next (trav); if ((i == n - 1 && next != NULL) || (i != n - 1 && (next == NULL || *next != i + 1))) { printf (" %s traverser behind %d, but should be behind %d.\n", label, next != NULL ? *next : -1, i == n - 1 ? -1 : i + 1); okay = 0; } bst_t_prev (trav); return okay; } /* Compares binary trees rooted at |a| and |b|, making sure that they are identical. */ static int compare_trees (struct bst_node *a, struct bst_node *b) { int okay; if (a == NULL || b == NULL) { assert (a == NULL && b == NULL); return 1; } if (*(int *) a->bst_data != *(int *) b->bst_data || ((a->bst_link[0] != NULL) != (b->bst_link[0] != NULL)) || ((a->bst_link[1] != NULL) != (b->bst_link[1] != NULL))) { printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d b=%d a:", *(int *) a->bst_data, *(int *) b->bst_data); if (a->bst_link[0] != NULL) printf ("l"); if (a->bst_link[1] != NULL) printf ("r"); printf (" b:"); if (b->bst_link[0] != NULL) printf ("l"); if (b->bst_link[1] != NULL) printf ("r"); printf ("\n"); return 0; } okay = 1; if (a->bst_link[0] != NULL) okay &= compare_trees (a->bst_link[0], b->bst_link[0]); if (a->bst_link[1] != NULL) okay &= compare_trees (a->bst_link[1], b->bst_link[1]); return okay; } /* Examines the binary tree rooted at |node|. Zeroes |*okay| if an error occurs. Otherwise, does not modify |*okay|. Sets |*count| to the number of nodes in that tree, including |node| itself if |node != NULL|. All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least |min| but no greater than |max|. */ static void recurse_verify_tree (struct bst_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count, int min, int max) { int d; /* Value of this node's data. */ size_t subcount[2]; /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */ if (node == NULL) { *count = 0; return; } d = *(int *) node->bst_data; if (min > max) { printf (" Parents of node %d constrain it to empty range %d...%d.\n", d, min, max); *okay = 0; } else if (d < min || d > max) { printf (" Node %d is not in range %d...%d implied by its parents.\n", d, min, max); *okay = 0; } recurse_verify_tree (node->bst_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1); recurse_verify_tree (node->bst_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max); *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1]; } /* Checks that |tree| is well-formed and verifies that the values in |array[]| are actually in |tree|. There must be |n| elements in |array[]| and |tree|. Returns nonzero only if no errors detected. */ static int verify_tree (struct bst_table *tree, int array[], size_t n) { int okay = 1; /* Check |tree|'s bst_count against that supplied. */ if (bst_count (tree) != n) { printf (" Tree count is %lu, but should be %lu.\n", (unsigned long) bst_count (tree), (unsigned long) n); okay = 0; } if (okay) { /* Recursively verify tree structure. */ size_t count; recurse_verify_tree (tree->bst_root, &okay, &count, 0, INT_MAX); if (count != n) { printf (" Tree has %lu nodes, but should have %lu.\n", (unsigned long) count, (unsigned long) n); okay = 0; } } if (okay) { /* Check that all the values in |array[]| are in |tree|. */ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (bst_find (tree, &array[i]) == NULL) { printf (" Tree does not contain expected value %d.\n", array[i]); okay = 0; } } if (okay) { /* Check that |bst_t_first()| and |bst_t_next()| work properly. */ struct bst_traverser trav; size_t i; int prev = -1; int *item; for (i = 0, item = bst_t_first (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL; i++, item = bst_t_next (&trav)) { if (*item <= prev) { printf (" Tree out of order: %d follows %d in traversal\n", *item, prev); okay = 0; } prev = *item; } if (i != n) { printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in traversal\n", (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i); okay = 0; } } if (okay) { /* Check that |bst_t_last()| and |bst_t_prev()| work properly. */ struct bst_traverser trav; size_t i; int next = INT_MAX; int *item; for (i = 0, item = bst_t_last (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL; i++, item = bst_t_prev (&trav)) { if (*item >= next) { printf (" Tree out of order: %d precedes %d in traversal\n", *item, next); okay = 0; } next = *item; } if (i != n) { printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in reverse\n", (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i); okay = 0; } } if (okay) { /* Check that |bst_t_init()| works properly. */ struct bst_traverser init, first, last; int *cur, *prev, *next; bst_t_init (&init, tree); bst_t_first (&first, tree); bst_t_last (&last, tree); cur = bst_t_cur (&init); if (cur != NULL) { printf (" Inited traverser should be null, but is actually %d.\n", *cur); okay = 0; } next = bst_t_next (&init); if (next != bst_t_cur (&first)) { printf (" Next after null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n", *(int *) bst_t_cur (&first), *next); okay = 0; } bst_t_prev (&init); prev = bst_t_prev (&init); if (prev != bst_t_cur (&last)) { printf (" Previous before null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n", *(int *) bst_t_cur (&last), *prev); okay = 0; } bst_t_next (&init); } return okay; } /* Tests tree functions. |insert[]| and |delete[]| must contain some permutation of values |0|@dots{}|n - 1|. Uses |allocator| as the allocator for tree and node data. Higher values of |verbosity| produce more debug output. */ int test_correctness (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, int insert[], int delete[], int n, int verbosity) { struct bst_table *tree; int okay = 1; int i; /* Test creating a BST and inserting into it. */ tree = bst_create (compare_ints, NULL, allocator); if (tree == NULL) { if (verbosity >= 0) printf (" Out of memory creating tree.\n"); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (verbosity >= 2) printf (" Inserting %d...\n", insert[i]); /* Add the |i|th element to the tree. */ { void **p = bst_probe (tree, &insert[i]); if (p == NULL) { if (verbosity >= 0) printf (" Out of memory in insertion.\n"); bst_destroy (tree, NULL); return 1; } if (*p != &insert[i]) printf (" Duplicate item in tree!\n"); } if (verbosity >= 3) print_whole_tree (tree, " Afterward"); if (!verify_tree (tree, insert, i + 1)) return 0; } /* Test BST traversal during modifications. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct bst_traverser x, y, z; int *deleted; if (insert[i] == delete[i]) continue; if (verbosity >= 2) printf (" Checking traversal from item %d...\n", insert[i]); if (bst_t_find (&x, tree, &insert[i]) == NULL) { printf (" Can't find item %d in tree!\n", insert[i]); continue; } okay &= check_traverser (&x, insert[i], n, "Predeletion"); if (verbosity >= 3) printf (" Deleting item %d.\n", delete[i]); deleted = bst_delete (tree, &delete[i]); if (deleted == NULL || *deleted != delete[i]) { okay = 0; if (deleted == NULL) printf (" Deletion failed.\n"); else printf (" Wrong node %d returned.\n", *deleted); } bst_t_copy (&y, &x); if (verbosity >= 3) printf (" Re-inserting item %d.\n", delete[i]); if (bst_t_insert (&z, tree, &delete[i]) == NULL) { if (verbosity >= 0) printf (" Out of memory re-inserting item.\n"); bst_destroy (tree, NULL); return 1; } okay &= check_traverser (&x, insert[i], n, "Postdeletion"); okay &= check_traverser (&y, insert[i], n, "Copied"); okay &= check_traverser (&z, delete[i], n, "Insertion"); if (!verify_tree (tree, insert, n)) return 0; } /* Test deleting nodes from the tree and making copies of it. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int *deleted; if (verbosity >= 2) printf (" Deleting %d...\n", delete[i]); deleted = bst_delete (tree, &delete[i]); if (deleted == NULL || *deleted != delete[i]) { okay = 0; if (deleted == NULL) printf (" Deletion failed.\n"); else printf (" Wrong node %d returned.\n", *deleted); } if (verbosity >= 3) print_whole_tree (tree, " Afterward"); if (!verify_tree (tree, delete + i + 1, n - i - 1)) return 0; if (verbosity >= 2) printf (" Copying tree and comparing...\n"); /* Copy the tree and make sure it's identical. */ { struct bst_table *copy = bst_copy (tree, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (copy == NULL) { if (verbosity >= 0) printf (" Out of memory in copy\n"); bst_destroy (tree, NULL); return 1; } okay &= compare_trees (tree->bst_root, copy->bst_root); bst_destroy (copy, NULL); } } if (bst_delete (tree, &insert[0]) != NULL) { printf (" Deletion from empty tree succeeded.\n"); okay = 0; } /* Test destroying the tree. */ bst_destroy (tree, NULL); return okay; } static int test_bst_t_first (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { struct bst_traverser trav; int *first; first = bst_t_first (&trav, tree); if (first == NULL || *first != 0) { printf (" First item test failed: expected 0, got %d\n", first != NULL ? *first : -1); return 0; } return 1; } static int test_bst_t_last (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { struct bst_traverser trav; int *last; last = bst_t_last (&trav, tree); if (last == NULL || *last != n - 1) { printf (" Last item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n", n - 1, last != NULL ? *last : -1); return 0; } return 1; } static int test_bst_t_find (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct bst_traverser trav; int *iter; iter = bst_t_find (&trav, tree, &i); if (iter == NULL || *iter != i) { printf (" Find item test failed: looked for %d, got %d\n", i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1); return 0; } } return 1; } static int test_bst_t_insert (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct bst_traverser trav; int *iter; iter = bst_t_insert (&trav, tree, &i); if (iter == NULL || iter == &i || *iter != i) { printf (" Insert item test failed: inserted dup %d, got %d\n", i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1); return 0; } } return 1; } static int test_bst_t_next (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { struct bst_traverser trav; int i; bst_t_init (&trav, tree); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int *iter = bst_t_next (&trav); if (iter == NULL || *iter != i) { printf (" Next item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n", i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1); return 0; } } return 1; } static int test_bst_t_prev (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { struct bst_traverser trav; int i; bst_t_init (&trav, tree); for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int *iter = bst_t_prev (&trav); if (iter == NULL || *iter != i) { printf (" Previous item test failed: expected %d, got %d\n", i, iter != NULL ? *iter : -1); return 0; } } return 1; } static int test_bst_copy (struct bst_table *tree, int n) { struct bst_table *copy = bst_copy (tree, NULL, NULL, NULL); int okay = compare_trees (tree->bst_root, copy->bst_root); bst_destroy (copy, NULL); return okay; } /* Tests the tree routines for proper handling of overflows. Inserting the |n| elements of |order[]| should produce a tree with height greater than |BST_MAX_HEIGHT|. Uses |allocator| as the allocator for tree and node data. Use |verbosity| to set the level of chatter on |stdout|. */ int test_overflow (struct libavl_allocator *allocator, int order[], int n, int verbosity) { /* An overflow tester function. */ typedef int test_func (struct bst_table *, int n); /* An overflow tester. */ struct test { test_func *func; /* Tester function. */ const char *name; /* Test name. */ }; /* All the overflow testers. */ static const struct test test[] = { {test_bst_t_first, "first item"}, {test_bst_t_last, "last item"}, {test_bst_t_find, "find item"}, {test_bst_t_insert, "insert item"}, {test_bst_t_next, "next item"}, {test_bst_t_prev, "previous item"}, {test_bst_copy, "copy tree"}, }; const struct test *i; /* Iterator. */ /* Run all the overflow testers. */ for (i = test; i < test + sizeof test / sizeof *test; i++) { struct bst_table *tree; int j; if (verbosity >= 2) printf (" Running %s test...\n", i->name); tree = bst_create (compare_ints, NULL, allocator); if (tree == NULL) { printf (" Out of memory creating tree.\n"); return 1; } for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { void **p = bst_probe (tree, &order[j]); if (p == NULL || *p != &order[j]) { if (p == NULL && verbosity >= 0) printf (" Out of memory in insertion.\n"); else if (p != NULL) printf (" Duplicate item in tree!\n"); bst_destroy (tree, NULL); return p == NULL; } } if (i->func (tree, n) == 0) return 0; if (verify_tree (tree, order, n) == 0) return 0; bst_destroy (tree, NULL); } return 1; }