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How to Think Like a Computer Scientist |
Appendix D
Recommendations for further reading
So where do you go from here? There are many directions to pursue,
extending your knowledge of Python specifically and
computer science in general.
The examples in this book have been deliberately simple, but they
may not have shown off Python's most exciting capabilities.
Here is a sampling of extensions to Python and suggestions for
projects that use them.
- GUI (graphical user interface) programming lets your
program use a windowing environment to interact with the user and
display graphics.
The oldest graphics package for Python
is Tkinter, which is based on Jon Ousterhout's Tcl and Tk scripting
languages. Tkinter comes bundled with the Python distribution.
popular platform is wxPython, which is essentially a Python veneer over
wxWindows, a C++ package which in turn implements windows using native
interfaces on Windows and Unix (including Linux) platforms. The
windows and controls under wxPython tend to have a more native look
and feel than those of Tkinter and are somewhat simpler to
Any type of GUI programming will lead you into event-driven
programming, where the user and not the programmer determines the flow of
execution. This style of programming takes some getting used to,
sometimes forcing you to rethink the whole structure of a program.
- Web programming integrates Python with the Internet.
For example, you can build web client programs that open and read
a remote web page (almost) as easily as you can open a file on
disk. There are also Python modules that let you access remote files
via ftp, and modules to let you send and receive email. Python is also
widely used for web server programs to handle input forms.
- Databases are a bit like super files where data is stored in
predefined schemas, and relationships between data items let you access
the data in various ways. Python has several modules to enable
users to connect to various database engines, both Open Source and
- Thread programming lets you run several threads of execution
within a single program. If you have had the experience of using a
web browser to scroll the beginning of a page while the browser
continues to load the rest of it, then you have a feel for what
threads can do.
- When speed is paramount Python extensions may be written in a
compiled language like C or C++. Such extensions
form the base of many of the modules in the Python
library. The mechanics of linking functions and data is somewhat
complex. SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is a tool to
make the process much simpler.
Python-related web sites and books
Here are the authors' recommendations for Python resources
on the web:
- The Python home page at www.python.org is the place to start
your search for any Python related material. You will find
help, documentation, links to other sites and SIG (Special Interest
Group) mailing lists that you can join.
- The Open Book Project www.ibiblio.com/obp contains not
only this book online but also similar books for Java and C++ by Allen
Downey. In addition there are Lessons in Electric Circuits by Tony R. Kuphaldt,
Getting down
with ..., a set of tutorials on a range of computer science topics,
written and edited by high school students, Python for Fun,
a set of case studies in Python by Chris Meyers, and The Linux
Cookbook by Michael Stultz, with 300 pages of tips and techniques.
- Finally if you go to Google and use the search
string "python -snake -monty" you will get about 750,000 hits.
And here are some books that contain more material on the
Python language:
- Core Python Programming by Wesley Chun is a large book
at about 750 pages. The first part of the book covers the basic Python
language features. The second part provides an easy-paced introduction
to more advanced topics including many of those mentioned above.
- Python Essential Reference by David M. Beazley is a small
book, but it is packed with information both on the
language itself and the modules in the standard library. It is also
very well indexed.
- Python Pocket Reference by Mark Lutz really does fit in
your pocket. Although not as extensive as Python Essential
Reference it is a handy reference for the most commonly used functions
and modules. Mark Lutz is also the author of Programming Python,
one of the earliest (and largest) books on Python and not aimed at the
beginning programmer. His later book Learning Python is smaller
and more accessible.
- Python Programming on Win32 by Mark Hammond and Andy
Robinson is a "must have" for anyone seriously using Python to develop
Windows applications. Among other things it covers the integration of
Python and COM, builds a small application with wxPython, and even
uses Python to script windows applications such as Word and Excel.
Recommended general computer science books
The following suggestions for further reading include many of the
authors' favorite books. They deal with good programming practices
and computer science in general.
- The Practice of Programming by Kernighan and Pike covers not
only the design and coding of algorithms and data structures, but also
debugging, testing and improving the performance of programs. The
examples are mostly C++ and Java, with none in Python.
- The Elements of Java Style edited by Al Vermeulen is another
small book that discusses some of the finer points of good
programming, such as good use of naming conventions, comments, and
even whitespace and indentation (somewhat of a nonissue in
Python). The book also covers programming by contract, using
assertions to catch errors by testing preconditions and
postconditions, and proper programming with threads and their
- Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley is a classic book.
It consists of case studies that originally appeared in the author's
column in the Communications of the ACM. The studies deal with
tradeoffs in programming and why it is often an especially bad idea to
run with your first idea for a program. The book is a bit older than
those above (1986), so the examples are in older
languages. There are lots of problems to solve, some with solutions
and others with hints. This book was very popular and was followed by
a second volume.
- The New Turing Omnibus by A.K Dewdney provides a gentle
introduction to 66 topics of computer science ranging from parallel
computing to computer viruses, from cat scans to genetic
algorithms. All of the topics are short and entertaining. An earlier
book by Dewdney The Armchair Universe is a collection from his
column Computer Recreations in Scientific American. Both
books are a rich source of ideas for projects.
- Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams by Mitchel Resnick
is about the power of decentralization and how complex behavior can
arise from coordinated simple activity of a multitude of agents. It
introduces the language StarLogo, which allows the user to write
programs for the agents. Running the program
demonstrates complex aggregate behavior, which is often
counterintuitive. Many of the programs in the book were developed by
students in middle school and high school. Similar programs could be
written in Python using simple graphics and threads.
- Gödel, Escher and Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. Put simply,
if you found magic in recursion you will also find it in this
bestselling book. One of Hofstadter's themes involves "strange loops"
where patterns evolve and ascend until they meet themselves again. It
is Hofstadter's contention that such "strange loops" are an essential
part of what separates the animate from the inanimate. He
demonstrates such patterns in the music of Bach, the pictures of
Escher and Gödel's incompleteness theorem.
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How to Think Like a Computer Scientist |