A good answer might be:

Write the last statement using the characters that were input for each integer:

System.out.println("The sum of " + 
    line1 + " plus " + line2 +" is " + sum );

Integer Division Tester

Remember that when Java sees + next to a String, it tries to make an even longer string. In this version of the last statement, the Strings line1 and line2 are concatenated to output String. No conversion needs to be done. Then, the int sum is converted to a String, and concatenated to the end.

Here is a new program made by modifying the first program.

import java.io.*;
class IntDivideTest
  public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
    BufferedReader stdin = 
        new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
    String top, bottom;                          // input Strings
    int    dividend, divisor ;                   // int versions of input
    int    quotient, remainder ;                 // results of "/" and "%"

    System.out.println("Enter the dividend:");   // read the dividend
    top      = stdin.readLine();
    dividend = Integer.parseInt( top );          

    System.out.println("Enter the divisor:");    // read the divisor
    bottom   = stdin.readLine();
    divisor  = Integer.parseInt( bottom );         

    quotient = dividend / divisor ;              // perform int math
    remainder= dividend % divisor ;

    System.out.println( dividend + " / " + divisor + " is " + quotient );
    System.out.println( dividend + " % " + divisor + " is " + remainder );
    System.out.println( quotient + " * " + divisor + 
        " + " + remainder + " is " + (quotient*divisor+remainder) );


Run the program a few times. See what happens when negative integers are input.


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