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Operator | Meaning |
A == B | is A equal to B ? |
A < B | is A less than B ? |
A <= B | is A less than or equal to B ? |
A > B | is A Greater than B ? |
A >= B | is A Greater than or equal to B ? |
A != B | is A not equal to B ? |
We need to look at the condition part of the if statement. Usually this will be a boolean expression. Recall that an expression is is a combination of literals, operators, variables, and parentheses used to calculate a value.
A boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to true or false.
Boolean expressions often make comparisons between numbers. A relational operator says what comparison you want to make.
Notice several details (that will be really annoying later on
if you forget about them):
the operator for "equal" is ==
(two equal signs in a row.)
In your web browser it may be hard to see that there are two equal signs.
The operator for "not equal" is !=
(exclaimation point equal sign.)