A good answer might be:

count is: 1
count is: 3
count is: 5        after printing this, count is changed to 5+2=7
Done counting by two's.

The Gatekeeper

The loop control variable (count) does not need to exactly hit the limit that is tested for in the condition part of the while:

while ( count <= 6 ) 

In the question, the value "5" passed the test. Then count was incremented to a "7". The "7" failed the test.

The condition part of a while is like a "gatekeeper." It carefully checks if execution is to be admitted into the loop body. It doesn't care how things came to be; if the test yields false, the loop body is skipped.

This is shown in the flowchart. Execution "flows" along the lines in the direction of the arrows. The diamond marked "Test Condition" represents the "gatekeeper." If the condition tests true, execution will continue into the loop body. If the condition tests false, execution is not allowed into the loop body.

Once execution is in the loop body, it executes the entire loop body. Then, execution goes back to the top of the loop, where the "gatekeeper" decides whether to let it execute the loop body again.


Say that the condition is count <= 6 and that there are many statements in the loop body. If one of the statements in the middle of the loop body changes count to 12, does the loop body immediately stop execution? (Hint: look at the flow chart.)