A good answer might be:

The program can add up however many integers there are in the file. The user does not need to know how many that is. The data itself says how many integers to add up.

Near-complete Program

Here is the program, except for a blank or two:

import java.io.*;
class AddUpAll
  public static void main ( String[] args ) throws IOException
    int value;          // the value of the current integer
    int limit;          // the number of integers to add up
    int sum = ________; // initialize sum

    String line;
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader( 
        new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );

    // get the number of integers to add up
    System.out.println("Enter how many integers:");
    line   = stdin.readLine();
    limit  = Integer.parseInt( line.trim() );

    int count = ________;   // initialize count

    while ( count <= _______ )
      System.out.println("Enter a number:");
      line   = stdin.readLine();
      value  = Integer.parseInt( line.trim() );
      sum    = ____________;   // add to the sum
      count  = ____________;   // increment count

    System.out.println( "Grand Total: " + sum );


Fill in the blanks.