A good answer might be:

The calculateMPG() method can not use the parameters of the constructor.

Can't Use Constructor's Parameters in a Method

In fact, the calculateMPG() method can not even see the parameters of the constructor. Another way of saying this is that the scope of the parameters is limited to the body of the method. The compiler will complain that first, last, and gals are "undefined variables" because they are used outside of their scope. Look back to the complete program to see the correct method.

import java.io.* ;

class Car
  // instance variables
  int startMiles;   // Stating odometer reading
  int endMiles;     // Ending odometer reading
  double gallons;   // Gallons of gas used between the readings

  // constructor
  Car(  int first, int last, double gals  )
    startMiles = first ;
    endMiles   = last ;
    gallons    = gals ;

  // methods
  double calculateMPG()
    return  (last - first)/gals  ;       // WRONG, WRONG, WRONG


class MilesPerGallon
  public static void main( String[] args ) 
    Car car = new Car( 32456, 32810, 10.6 );
    System.out.println( "Miles per gallon is " + car.calculateMPG() );


Are you about out of gas?