A good answer might be:

  1. statement A calls the firs processDeposit() method. TRUE
  2. statement A call calls the second processDeposit() method. FALSE
  3. statement B calls the first processDeposit() method. FALSE
  4. statement B calls the second processDeposit() method. TRUE

Method Signature

When several methods have the same name, which method is required by the call is easy to determine:

The method to use is the one with formal parameters that match the actual parameters in the call.

For example, the call

bobsAccount.processDeposit( 200, 25 );  //statement A

matched this method declaration:

void  processDeposit( int amount, int serviceCharge )

because the number and types of the actual parameters matches the number and types of the formal paramters.

The signature of a method is:

The signatures of the methods in a class must be unique. For example, the signatures of the two processDeposit methods are:

The return type is not part of the signature, and that the identifiers used for the formal parameters are not part of the signature.


A class has the following two methods:

float chargePenalty( int amount  ) { ... }
int   chargePenalty( int penalty ) { ... }
Do these methods have unique siqnatures?