A good answer might be:

A parameter is a name used in a method definition for values that will be passed into the method by its callers.


Here is an example of a method that uses a parameter. (The example is from the CheckingAccount class of the last two chapters.) The ellipses (. . . .) show where code not relevant to this discussion has been left out.

class CheckingAccount
  . . . .
  private int    balance;

  . . . .
  void  processDeposit( int amount )
    balance = balance + amount ; 


The parameter amount is used by a caller send a value to the method. This is usually called passing a value into the method. Here is part of a main() method that uses the parameter to pass a value into the processDeposit() method:

class CheckingAccountTester
  public static void main( String[] args )
    CheckingAccount bobsAccount = new CheckingAccount( "999", "Bob", 100 );
    bobsAccount.processDeposit( 200 );

    // . . . . assume that more statements follow

When the statement

bobsAccount.processDeposit( 200 );

is executed, the parameter amount of the object's method will hold the value 200. This value is added to the object's instance variable in the statement

balance = balance + amount ; 

Then the method will be exited and control will return to main(). The state of the object referred to by bobsAccount will have been changed.


  1. Will the instance variable balance hold a permanent value?
  2. Will the parameter amount hold a permanent value?