A good answer might be:

The complete method is in the revised class definition, below.

Testing Applet

The class is now well enough defined to do some testing. Since it is expected to be used with an applet, a testing applet must be written. Here is the current version of the Circle class, with a testing applet:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

class Circle
  // variables
  int x, y, radius;

  // constructors
  public Circle()
  { x = 0; y = 0; radius = 0; }

  public Circle( int x, int y, int radius )
  { this.x = x;  this.y = y;  this.radius = radius; }

  // methods
  void draw( Graphics gr )

    int ulX = x-radius ; // X of upper left corner of rectangle

    int ulY = y-radius ; // Y of upper left corner of rectangle

    gr.drawOval( ulX, ulY, 2*radius, 2*radius );


// assume that the drawing area is 200 by 200
public class testCircle extends Applet
  Circle circ = _____________________________;
  public void paint ( Graphics gr )

    circ.draw( _____________ );    


Fill in the blanks with some reasonable values.