A good answer might be:

The complete program is given below.

Complete Program

Notice that the two for loops are the same. This is very common. It would be nice to copy this program to a file and to run it. When you do this, change the length of the array and note the effect.

import java.io.* ;

class InputArray

  public static void main ( String[] args ) throws IOException

    int[] array = new int[5];
    int   data;

    BufferedReader inData = 
        new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );

    // input the data
    for ( int index=0; index < array.length; index++ )
      System.out.println( "enter an integer: " );
      data           = Integer.parseInt( inData.readLine() );
      array[ index ] = data ;
    // write out the data
    for ( int index=0; index < array.length; index++ )
      System.out.println( "array[ " + index + " ] = " + array[ index ] );



The variable data is not really needed in this program. Mentally change the program so that this variable is not used.