A good answer might be:

See below.

A whole new show()

Here are the class definitions so far:

class VideoTape
  String  title;    // name of the item
  int     length;   // number of minutes
  boolean avail;    // is the tape in the store?

  // constructor
  public VideoTape( String ttl, int lngth )
    title = ttl; length = lngth; avail = true; 

  public void show()
    System.out.println( title + ", " + length + " min. available:" + avail );

class MusicVideo extends VideoTape
  String artist;
  String category;
  // constructor
  public MusicVideo ( String ttl, int len, String art, String cat )
    super( ttl, len );
    artist   = art;
    category = cat;

  // The show() method will go here


Remember that the super reference (if it is used) must be in the first statement of the constructor.

To finish the MusicVideo class, write a show() method for it. Use a super reference to do the things already done by the parent class.


Write the show() method.