A good answer might be:

The program is an application. It is not called by a Web browser. It has a main() which is where it starts running.

Running the GUI Program

Even though it does not do much, you should run this program and play with it (one GUI is worth a thousand words). But first (especially for Windows 95) close any important programs you might have running (or at least save the game). You are about to hit control-c, and this can be dangerous.

To run the program, do this: first, copy-paste-save the program to a file called TestFrame1.java. Then:

C:\> javac TestFrame1.java
C:\> java  TestFrame1
     program runs and displays the frame

When the program runs, it displays a frame like the one shown. If you click on the usual "close button" of the frame, (the small "X" inside a square) the picture will vanish, but the program keeps running. To stop the program, type control-c in the DOS window. (You do this by clicking in the DOS window to be sure that it has focus, then holding down the "Ctrl" key while typing a "c" character.)

C:\> javac TestFrame1.java
C:\> java  TestFrame1

While the program is running, you can click on the frame and drag it around, you can minimize it, you can grab a border and resize it, and so on. All of this is built into the JFrame class (inherited from its ancestors). All you have to do is ask for a JFrame object in your program and you get all this.


What do you suppose this line from the program does?

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame 1");