A good answer might be:

An event object is an object that the Java system creates at run-time to represent a user action, such as a mouse click.

Fill in the GUI Blanks

Here is the program (yet again!) but this time with some blanks for you to fill in. If you get stuck, first look back at the picture, then look at the hint.

import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.________;
import javax.swing.*;

class myFrame extends JFrame
  public void paint ( Graphics g )
    g._____________("Click the close button", 10, 50 );  

class WindowQuitter extends ______________
  public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
    ____________( 0 );  

public class GUItester
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    myFrame frm = new myFrame();                 
    WindowQuitter wquit = new WindowQuitter();   
    frm.addWindowListener( wquit );   
    frm._______________( 150, 100 );     
    frm._______________( true );      


Fill in the blanks.