
The program, with a correct outer loop, is below.

Number of Lines Done Correctly

If ( more stuff goes here ) somehow printed a row of numStars stars, the program would be finished.

import java.util.Scanner;
class starBlock
  public static void main (String[] args ) 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( );
    int numRows;      // the number of Rows
    int numStars;     // the number of stars per row
    int row;          // current row number

    // collect input data from user
    System.out.print( "How many Rows? " );
    numRows = scan.nextInt() ;

    System.out.print( "How many Stars per Row? " );
    numStars = scan.nextInt() ;

    row  =  1;
    while ( row <= numRows )    

      ( more stuff goes here )

      row = row + 1;

Now you must perform one of the most important tasks in computer programming: ignoring the big problem and looking at a little problem.


Clear you mind of all thoughts about the big program. Just think about the little problem. How would you print a row of numStars stars, one star at a time?