double A= 0.1, B= -0.1;

DecimalFormat numform = new DecimalFormat(" 000.000;-000.000"); 

System.out.println( "A = " + numform.format(A) );
System.out.println( "B = " + numform.format(B) );


A =  000.100
B = -000.100

Collapsing Zeros

The output is somewhat unsatisfactory. It would look better without the leading and trailing zeros

Use the character # in the format string to show a digit that will be omitted from the output string if it is a leading or trailing zero.

For integers: the pattern has two halves. It starts with any number of #s, followed by one or more 0s. Here are some legal patterns:


For floating point: The integer part of the pattern follows the rules for integers. If a decimal point is included, the pattern for the fraction has two halves: it starts with any number of 0s followed by any number of #s. Here are some legal patterns:


Here are some illegal patterns:

####        ---  needs to end with at least one 0
###.##      ---  integer part needs to end with a 0
##0.0##00   ---  bad fractional part (can't surround #s with 0s)
##00##      ---  bad integer pattern
###0.##0    ---  bad fractional part

Usually format() produces a reasonable string, even with defective format patterns. But seriously defective patterns cause it to throw an IllegalArgumentException at run time. The compiler does not inspect the format patterns.


Is the following format string correct?
