Do you think that the following is correct?

str1.length() = 12 ;  // change the length of str1


No. The left side of an assignment statement must be a variable.

Practice Program

It has been a long time since you have had some blanks to fill in. I'm sure that you have missed them. Here is a program that will:

  1. Create two String objects
  2. The first String will hold the characters "Green eggs"
  3. The second String will hold the characters " and ham"
  4. The program will compute the length of each string, and then
  5. Write out the the sum of the individual lengths
class StringTester

  public static void main ( String[] args )
    String str1;   // a reference to a String object.
    String str2;   // a reference to a second String object.

    int len1, len2;    // the length of str1 and the length of str2

    str1  =  ; // create the first String

    str2  =  ; // create the second String

    len1  = str1.length();    // get the length of the first string

    len2  =  . ;    // get the length of the second string

    System.out.println("The combined length of both strings is " +
         + " characters" );


Fill in the blanks of the program.