
No. The tags describe the function of the text as "paragraph," and the browser determines how to format that paragraph.


Here is another example of HTML markup:

<h3>This is a level 3 heading</h3>

This describes a heading three levels down from the most important heading. Exactly what is done to make the text a heading is up to the browser. Your browser does this:

This is a level 3 heading

An HTML file can be created with an ordinary text editor (such as Notepad) since it contains nothing but ASCII characters. There are no hidden display codes or other unprintable characters such as word processors usually produce. (However, an HTML file can ask for the Web page to include other files that are not ASCII, such as images and applets.) Since HTML files are pure ASCII, they are very portable and can be send across the Internet to Web browsers running on any kind of computer.


Mentally insert some HTML into the following to display a level 3 heading "Here is an Exciting JApplet" at the top of the page. After the heading, put a paragraph describing the size of the drawing area.

<applet code="AnotherHello.class"  width="300" height="150">