It prints:
Since testing is done at the bottom of the loop, the loop body must execute at least once, regardless of conditions. Java does not "look ahead" to the condition test. It executes the loop body, then tests the condition to see if it should execute it again.
int count = 1000; // initialize
System.out.println( count );
count++ ; // change
while ( count < 10 ); // test
You might expect that the
loop body will not execute because
starts at 1000,
and the test is count < 10
This might be a serious bug.
You will save hours of hair-tearing debugging time if you remember that
The body of a do
is always executed at least once.
Almost always there are
situations where a loop body should
not execute, not even once.
Because of this,
a do
loop is
usually not the appropriate choice.
(Thought question: ) Do you think that a
loop is a good choice for a
counting loop?