PhoneEntry[] phoneBook = new PhoneEntry[ 5 ] ;


phoneBook is an array of 5 references to phoneEntry objects. But so far there are no phoneEntry objects and every cell of phoneBook is null.

Skeleton Application

Yes, you already knew that. But it is easy to forget. Here is a skeleton of the application:

class PhoneEntry
  String name;    // name of a person
  String phone;   // their phone number

  PhoneEntry( String n, String p )
    name = n; phone = p;

class PhoneBook
  PhoneEntry[] phoneBook; 

  PhoneBook()    // constructor
    phoneBook = new PhoneEntry[ 5 ] ;
    // load the phone book with data
    . . . .   

  PhoneEntry search( String targetName )  
    // use linear search to find the targetName
    . . . .

class PhoneBookTester
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    PhoneBook pb = new PhoneBook();  
    // search for "Violet Smith"
    PhoneEntry entry = "Violet Smith" ); 

    if ( entry != null )
      System.out.println( + ": " + );
      System.out.println("Name not found" );


The class PhoneBook contains both the data and the search method. The search method returns a reference to the PhoneEntry that matches the name being sought.


What will the search method return if it does not find a matching PhoneEntry?