
Yes, since our definition of palindrome ignores case. One or the other of these two methods could be used.

Selective Copying of Characters

Another possibility is to use the String method equalsIgnoreCase(). But it is probably easiest to ignore case from the start. Here is the method:

class Tester
  public boolean test( String trial )
    String lower = trial.toLowerCase();

    StringBuffer azBuffer  = new StringBuffer();

    for ( int j=0; j < ; j++ )
       // convert all characters to lower case, then copy only
       // 'a' thru 'a' to the buffer
       char c = lower.charAt(j);
       if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )
         azBuffer.( c );
    . . . .


public class PalindromeTester
  . . . . .

We will soon use the reverse() method of StringBuffer. But first we need to copy only the characters 'a' through 'z' into azBuffer. This is how the method ignores spaces and punctuation.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate methods from class String and StringBuffer. (Look at the list of methods a few pages back.)