
The list will hold references to Integer objects.

Example Program Continued

The names object of the example program can hold references to Strings. The picture shows the ArrayList after three elements have been added. The references are added in order starting will cell 0 of the array.

import java.util.* ;

class ArrayListEg

  public static void main ( String[] args)
    // Create an ArrayList that holds references to Object
    ArrayList<Object> names = new ArrayList<Object>();

    // Add three Object references
    // Access and print out the three Objects
    System.out.println("element 0: " + names.get(0) );
    System.out.println("element 1: " + names.get(1) );
    System.out.println("element 2: " + names.get(2) );

Then the program accesses the references using the get() method and prints out the Strings. The output of the program is:

element 0: Amy
element 1: Bob
element 2: Cindy

The argument to the get() method acts like an index into an array.


Assume that the following is added after the last statement of the program:


Where will the reference to "Daniel" be added?