
The "close-window" button of the frame and the JTextField for Fahrenheit termperatue input.

Application with GUI

Here is the program (not yet complete.) It is based on the previous example, so most of it should be understandable. Decide what belongs in the program then click on the button to see an anwser. Look at the picture as you decide in what order to add components.

GUI of the application
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*; 

public class FahrConvert 
  JLabel title     = new JLabel("Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius");
  JLabel inLabel   = new JLabel("Fahrenheit    ");
  JLabel outLabel  = new JLabel("Celsius ");

  JTextField inFahr =  
  JTextField outCel = new JTextField( 7 );

  int fahrTemp ;  // input  
  int celsTemp ;  // result 
  public FahrConvert()   // constructor 
     // choose the layout manager 
     getContentPane().setLayout( ) ; 

     inFahr.addActionListener( this );
     getContentPane().add(   ) ;
     getContentPane().add(   ) ;
     getContentPane().add( outLabel );   
     getContentPane().add( inFahr );   
     getContentPane().add( outCel );   
     outCel.setEditable( ) ;
     setDefaultCloseOperation( WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );   

   . . . . . .  //


The GUI is nearly complete, but more work is needed:


What method is used to get the text from the input JTextField?