We repeat the derivation of the preceding section, but this time we treat the error term more carefully.
Again we want to approximate with an
th-order polynomial:
Our problem is to find
so as to minimize
over some interval
. There are many
``optimality criteria'' we could choose. The one that falls out
naturally here is called Padé approximation. Padé
approximation sets the error value and its first
derivatives to
zero at a single chosen point, which we take to be
. Since all
``degrees of freedom'' in the polynomial coefficients
used to set derivatives to zero at one point, the approximation is
termed maximally flat at that point. In other words, as
, the
th order polynomial approximation approaches
with an error that is proportional to
Padé approximation comes up elsewhere in signal processing. For example, it is the sense in which Butterworth filters are optimal [52]. (Their frequency responses are maximally flat in the center of the pass-band.) Also, Lagrange interpolation filters (which are nonrecursive, while Butterworth filters are recursive), can be shown to maximally flat at dc in the frequency domain [80,35].
Setting in the above polynomial approximation produces
Differentiating the polynomial approximation and setting gives
In the same way, we find
From this derivation, it is clear that the approximation error (remainder
term) is smallest in the vicinity of . All degrees of freedom
in the polynomial coefficients were devoted to minimizing the approximation
error and its derivatives at
. As you might expect, the approximation
error generally worsens as
gets farther away from 0.
To obtain a more uniform approximation over some interval
, other kinds of error criteria may be employed. Classically,
this topic has been called ``economization of series,'' or simply
polynomial approximation under different error criteria. In
Matlab or
Octave, the function
polyfit(x,y,n) will find the coefficients of a polynomial
degree n that fits the data y over the points x in a
least-squares sense. That is, it minimizes