error handler
A user can associate an error handler with a communicator. The specified error handling routine will be used for any MPI exception that occurs during a call to MPI for a communication with this communicator. MPI calls that are not related to any communicator are considered to be attached to the communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD. MPI_COMM_WORLD The attachment of error handlers to communicators is purely local: different processes may attach different error handlers to communicators for the same communication domain.
A newly created communicator inherits the error handler that is associated with the ``parent'' communicator. In particular, the user can specify a ``global'' error handler for all communicators by associating this handler with the communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD MPI_COMM_WORLD immediately after initialization.
Several predefined error handlers are available in MPI: error handler, predefined
Implementations may provide additional predefined error handlers and programmers can code their own error handlers.
The error handler MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL is associated by default MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL with MPI_COMM_WORLD after initialization. Thus, if the user chooses not to control error handling, every error that MPI handles is treated as fatal. Since (almost) all MPI calls return an error code, a user may choose to handle errors in his or her main code, by testing the return code of MPI calls and executing a suitable recovery code when the call was not successful. In this case, the error handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN will be used. Usually it is more MPI_ERRORS_RETURN convenient and more efficient not to test for errors after each MPI call, and have such an error handled by a non-trivial MPI error handler.
An MPI error handler is an opaque object, which is accessed by a handle. MPI calls are provided to create new error handlers, to associate error handlers with communicators, and to test which error handler is associated with a communicator.
MPI_ERRORHANDLER_CREATE(function, errhandler) IN function user defined error handling procedure OUT errhandler MPI error handlerMPI_Errhandler_create(MPI_Handler_function *function, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
Register the user routine function for use as an MPI
exception handler. Returns in errhandler a handle to the registered
exception handler.
In the C language, the user routine should be a C function of type MPI_Handler_function, which is defined as:
typedef void (MPI_Handler_function)(MPI_Comm *, int *, ...);The first argument is the communicator in use. The second is the error code to be returned by the MPI routine that raised the error. If the routine would have returned multiple error codes (see Section
Rationale. The variable argument list is provided because it provides an ANSI-standard hook for providing additional information to the error handler; without this hook, ANSI C prohibits additional arguments. (End of rationale) MPI_ERRHANDLER_SET(comm, errhandler) IN comm communicator to set the handler for IN errhandler new MPI error handler for communi- cator
MPI_Errhandler_set(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler errhandler)
Associates the new error handler errorhandler with communicator comm at the calling process. Note that an error handler is always associated with the communicator.
MPI_ERRHANDLER_GET(comm, errhandler) IN comm communicator to get the handler from OUT errhandler MPI error handler currently asso- ciated with communicator
MPI_Errhandler_get(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)
Returns in errhandler (a handle to) the error handler that is currently associated with communicator comm.
Example: A library function may register at its entry point the current error handler for a communicator, set its own private error handler for this communicator, and restore before exiting the previous error handler.
MPI_ERRHANDLER_FREE(errhandler) IN errhandler MPI error handler MPI_Errhandler_free(MPI_Errhandler *errhandler)MPI_ERRHANDLER_FREE(ERRHANDLER, IERROR)INTEGER ERRHANDLER, IERROR Marks the error handler associated with errhandler for deallocation and sets errhandler to MPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL. MPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL The error handler will be deallocated after all communicators associated with it have been deallocated.
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Jack Dongarra
Fri Sep 1 06:16:55 EDT 1995