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Message passing is a programming paradigm used widely on parallel computers, especially Scalable Parallel Computers (SPCs) with distributed memory, and on Networks of Workstations (NOWs). Although there are many variations, the basic concept of processes communicating through messages is well understood. Over the last ten years, substantial progress has been made in casting significant applications into this paradigm. Each vendor has implemented its own variant. More recently, several public-domain systems have demonstrated that a message-passing system can be efficiently and portably implemented. It is thus an appropriate time to define both the syntax and semantics of a standard core of library routines that will be useful to a wide range of users and efficiently implementable on a wide range of computers. This effort has been undertaken over the last three years by the Message Passing Interface (MPI) Forum, a group of more than 80 people from 40 organizations, representing vendors of parallel systems, industrial users, industrial and national research laboratories, and universities. MPI Forum

The designers of MPI sought to make use of the most attractive features of a number of existing message-passing systems, rather than selecting one of them and adopting it as the standard. Thus, MPI has been strongly influenced by work at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center [2][1], Intel's NX/2 [24], Express [23], nCUBE's Vertex [22], p4 [5][6], and PARMACS [7][3]. Other important contributions have come from Zipcode [26][25], Chimp [14][13], PVM [27][17], Chameleon [19], and PICL [18]. The MPI Forum identified some critical shortcomings of existing message-passing systems, in areas such as complex data layouts or support for modularity and safe communication. This led to the introduction of new features in MPI.

The MPI standard defines the user interface and functionality for a wide range of message-passing capabilities. Since its completion in June of 1994, MPI has become widely accepted and used. Implementations are available on a range of machines from SPCs to NOWs. A growing number of SPCs have an MPI supplied and supported by the vendor. Because of this, MPI has achieved one of its goals - adding credibility to parallel computing. Third party vendors, researchers, and others now have a reliable and portable way to express message-passing, parallel programs.

The major goal of MPI, as with most standards, is a degree of portability across different machines. The expectation is for a degree of portability comparable to that given by programming languages such as Fortran. This means that the same message-passing source code can be executed on a variety of machines as long as the MPI library is available, while some tuning might be needed to take best advantage of the features of each system. portability Though message passing is often thought of in the context of distributed-memory parallel computers, the same code can run well on a shared-memory parallel computer. It can run on a network of workstations, or, indeed, as a set of processes running on a single workstation. Knowing that efficient MPI implementations exist across a wide variety of computers gives a high degree of flexibility in code development, debugging, and in choosing a platform for production runs.

Another type of compatibility offered by MPI is the ability to run transparently on heterogeneous systems, that is, collections of processors with distinct architectures. It is possible for an MPI implementation to span such a heterogeneous collection, yet provide a virtual computing model that hides many architectural differences. The user need not worry whether the code is sending messages between processors of like or unlike architecture. The MPI implementation will automatically do any necessary data conversion and utilize the correct communications protocol. However, MPI does not prohibit implementations that are targeted to a single, homogeneous system, and does not mandate that distinct implementations be interoperable. Users that wish to run on an heterogeneous system must use an MPI implementation designed to support heterogeneity. heterogeneous interoperability

Portability is central but the standard will not gain wide usage if this was achieved at the expense of performance. For example, Fortran is commonly used over assembly languages because compilers are almost always available that yield acceptable performance compared to the non-portable alternative of assembly languages. A crucial point is that MPI was carefully designed so as to allow efficient implementations. The design choices seem to have been made correctly, since MPI implementations over a wide range of platforms are achieving high performance, comparable to that of less portable, vendor-specific systems.

An important design goal of MPI was to allow efficient implementations across machines of differing characteristics. efficiency For example, MPI carefully avoids specifying how operations will take place. It only specifies what an operation does logically. As a result, MPI can be easily implemented on systems that buffer messages at the sender, receiver, or do no buffering at all. Implementations can take advantage of specific features of the communication subsystem of various machines. On machines with intelligent communication coprocessors, much of the message passing protocol can be offloaded to this coprocessor. On other systems, most of the communication code is executed by the main processor. Another example is the use of opaque objects in MPI. By hiding the details of how MPI-specific objects are represented, each implementation is free to do whatever is best under the circumstances.

Another design choice leading to efficiency is the avoidance of unnecessary work. MPI was carefully designed so as to avoid a requirement for large amounts of extra information with each message, or the need for complex encoding or decoding of message headers. MPI also avoids extra computation or tests in critical routines since this can degrade performance. Another way of minimizing work is to encourage the reuse of previous computations. MPI provides this capability through constructs such as persistent communication requests and caching of attributes on communicators. The design of MPI avoids the need for extra copying and buffering of data: in many cases, data can be moved from the user memory directly to the wire, and be received directly from the wire to the receiver memory.

MPI was designed to encourage overlap of communication and computation, so as to take advantage of intelligent communication agents, and to hide communication latencies. This is achieved by the use of nonblocking communication calls, which separate the initiation of a communication from its completion.

Scalability is an important goal of parallel processing. MPI allows or supports scalability through several of its design features. For example, an application can create subgroups of processes that, in turn, allows collective communication operations to limit their scope to the processes involved. Another technique used is to provide functionality without a computation that scales as the number of processes. For example, a two-dimensional Cartesian topology can be subdivided into its one-dimensional rows or columns without explicitly enumerating the processes. scalability

Finally, MPI, as all good standards, is valuable in that it defines a known, minimum behavior of message-passing implementations. This relieves the programmer from having to worry about certain problems that can arise. One example is that MPI guarantees that the underlying transmission of messages is reliable. The user need not check if a message is received correctly.

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Jack Dongarra
Fri Sep 1 06:16:55 EDT 1995