null process In many instances, it is convenient to specify a ``dummy'' source or destination for communication.
In the Jacobi example, this will avoid special handling of boundary processes.
This also simplifies handling of
boundaries in the case of a non-circular shift, when
used in conjunction with the functions described in
Chapter .
The special value MPI_PROC_NULL can be used MPI_PROC_NULL instead of a rank wherever a source or a destination argument is required in a communication function. A communication with process MPI_PROC_NULL has no effect. A send to MPI_PROC_NULL succeeds and returns as soon as possible. A receive from MPI_PROC_NULL succeeds and returns as soon as possible with no modifications to the receive buffer. When a receive with source = MPI_PROC_NULL is executed then the status object returns source = MPI_PROC_NULL, tag = MPI_ANY_TAG and count = 0.
We take advantage of null processes to further simplify the parallel Jacobi code. Jacobi, with null processes
Example2.15 Jacobi code - version of parallel code using sendrevc and null processes. ... REAL, ALLOCATABLE A(:,:), B(:,:) ... ! Compute number of processes and myrank CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm, p, ierr) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, myrank, ierr) ! compute size of local block m = n/p IF (myrank.LT.(n-p*m)) THEN m = m+1 END IF ! Compute neighbors IF (myrank.EQ.0) THEN left = MPI_PROC_NULL ELSE left = myrank - 1 END IF IF (myrank.EQ.p-1)THEN right = MPI_PROC_NULL ELSE right = myrank+1 END IF ! Allocate local arrays ALLOCATE (A(0:n+1,0:m+1), B(n,m)) ... !Main Loop DO WHILE(.NOT.converged) ! compute DO j=1, m DO i=1, n B(i,j)=0.25*(A(i-1,j)+A(i+1,j)+A(i,j-1)+A(i,j+1)) END DO END DO DO j=1, m DO i=1, n A(i,j) = B(i,j) END DO END DO ! Communicate CALL MPI_SENDRECV(B(1,1),n, MPI_REAL, left, tag, (A(1,0),n, MPI_REAL, left, tag, comm, status, ierr) CALL MPI_SENDRECV(B(1,m),n, MPI_REAL, right, tag, (A(1,m+1),n, MPI_REAL, right, tag, comm, status, ierr) END IF ...