A comparison between Example on page
in the previous section is instructive.
First, programming convenience. It is somewhat less tedious to pack the class zero particles in the loop that locates them, rather then defining in this loop the datatype that will later collect them. On the other hand, it would be very tedious (and inefficient) to pack separately the components of each structure entry in the array. Defining a datatype is more convenient when this definition depends only on declarations; packing may be more convenient when the communication buffer layout is data dependent.
Second, storage use. The packing code uses at least 56,000 bytes for the pack buffer, e.g., up to 1000 copies of the structure (1 char, 6 doubles, and 7 char is 1+8*6+7 = 56 bytes). The derived datatype code uses 12,000 bytes for the three, 1,000 long, integer arrays used to define the derived datatype. It also probably uses a similar amount of storage for the internal datatype representation. The difference is likely to be larger in realistic codes. The use of packing requires additional storage for a copy of the data, whereas the use of derived datatypes requires additional storage for a description of the data layout.
Finally, compute time. The packing code executes a function call for each packed item whereas the derived datatype code executes only a fixed number of function calls. The packing code is likely to require one additional memory to memory copy of the data, as compared to the derived-datatype code. One may expect, on most implementations, to achieve better performance with the derived datatype code.
Both codes send the same size message, so that there is no difference in communication time. However, if the buffer described by the derived datatype is not contiguous in memory, it may take longer to access.
Example above illustrates another advantage of
pack/unpack; namely the receiving process may use information in part
of an incoming message in order to decide how to handle subsequent
data in the message. In order to achieve the same outcome without
pack/unpack, one would have to send two messages: the first with the
list of indices, to be used to construct a derived datatype that is
then used to receive the particle entries sent in a second message.
The use of derived datatypes will often lead to improved performance: data copying can be avoided, and information on data layout can be reused, when the same communication buffer is reused. On the other hand, the definition of derived datatypes for complex layouts can be more tedious than explicit packing. Derived datatypes should be used whenever data layout is defined by program declarations (e.g., structures), or is regular (e.g., array sections). Packing might be considered for complex, dynamic, data-dependent layouts. Packing may result in more efficient code in situations where the sender has to communicate to the receiver information that affects the layout of the receive buffer.