Mushroom Mountain Co.
2427 Route 72
Bandera, TX 76520
(210) 445-6223

April 19, 1998

Richard Smoker, Editor in Chief
Power Press
1452 Industry Rd.
San Francisco, CA 94618

Re: Progress report on writing the guidelines and parameters on the construction of a mycological grow room.

Dear Mr. Smoker:

We are pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the status of our development of construction plans for a mycological growroom. As you are aware, the market for exotic mushrooms has increased tremendously over the past several years. Properly constructing and marketing plans for the mycological grow room will assist your organization by filling a niche in current publications and provide a necessary resource for the horticulturist.

The attached progress report outlines Mushroom Mountain Company's status on the project. In the progress report we include our intended audience, description of the work, the outline, a list of figures, and our overall appraisal of the project.

We are confident in our ability to produce the highest quality document. Should you have any questions feel free to call the number above at any time.


Bradleigh K. Bixford, Proprietor
Mushroom Mountain Co.

Attached: Progress Report

Progress Report: Construction of a Mycological Growroom

As you are aware, our company was hired by the Power Press to design floorplans and elevations that can be modified by the builder, details of systems, as well as necessary text, the result will enable your company to produce a high quality detailed construction manual to market world wide. Following is a progress report on the project. In it you will find the intended audience a brief description of the proposed work, the outline for the manual with references, list of figures and our overall status on the project. The overall status can be determined by breaking up the project into three major tasks and discussing what is complete and what remains to be done in each category. The three major tasks are:


This construction manual will assume that the purchaser has prior knowledge of details in the process of mushroom cultivation. A general overview as well as the necessary text to bring the builder through the construction will be included, however, to define the variables utilized in the growroom. Also, no more than basic construction skills will assumed on the part of the target readers.

Description of the proposed work

The proposed manual will provide enough details that the actual room can be built by a competent construction company. Floorplans, elevations, details of ducting, filtering, heating, cooling, and humidification systems are all included graphically and dimensioned where possible. The individual factors that will be addressed in the manual as well as where the graphics will be inserted are detailed in the outline below.

Outline. The floorplans included will have been extensively tested and will provide near-perfect conditions although a focus of this manual is on the necessary factors to consider when building the room. This way the individual grower can customize the included floorplans to fit his/her specific needs or area. Formulas to calculate air exchange rates and ducting are included to aid in this area. Following is the outline for the manual:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of general process of mushroom cultivation
    1. Spore collection, germination and isolation of mycelium
    2. Preparation of the inoculum
      1. Expansion of the mycelial mass on agar then grain
      2. Implantation of grain spawn on substrate
    3. Fruitbody initialization and development
  3. Sterile technique
    1. Sources of contamination
      1. Immediate external environment
      2. Culture medium
      3. Culturing equipment
      4. Cultivator's body and clothes
      5. Mushroom spores of mycelium
    2. Design of sterile laboratory
      1. Schematic
      2. Tools, accessories
  4. Mycological growroom
    1. Structure
      1. Floorplans, elevations
      2. Insulation
      3. Sealing
      4. Drainage
    2. Shelving and trays
    3. Environmental control systems
      1. Air
      2. Purification
      3. Filters
      4. Fans
      5. Air exchange formula
      6. Exhaust vents
      7. Ducting formula
      8. Temperature
        1. Heating
        2. Cooling
      9. Humidification
        1. Live steam
        2. Mist
      10. Monitoring equipment
        1. Thermostats
        2. Humidistats
      11. Lighting
  5. Putting it all together (conclusion)

Bibliography. Here are the information sources we have been working with:

  1. Atkins, F. "Buildings for Mushroom Holdings." The Mushroom Journal (November, 1965), 191-204.
  2. Austin, Phillip R. Encyclopedia of Cleanrooms, Bio-Cleanrooms, and Aseptic Areas. New York: Interpharm Press, 1995
  3. Bittner, C.W. "The Pathogens of Mushroom Spawn." Mushroom Science (December, 1972), 601-606.
  4. Drake, M.G. "Insulation for the Mushroom Grower." Mushroom Growers Association Bulletin (March, 1961), 111-126.
  5. Edwards, R.L. "Mushroom House Ventilation in Theory and Practice." The Mushroom Journal (August, 1973), 3-14.
  6. Institute of Environmental Science. Federal Standard 209E (Fed-Std-209E: Airborne Particulate Cleanliness-Classes in Cleanrooms and Clean Zones. Fed-Std-209E. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992.
  7. Schroeder, M.E., Schisler, L.C., and Wuest, P.J. "A Unitized Forced Air Ventilation System for Mushroom Growing." Progress Report No. 302 (January, 1970) 1-35.
  8. Shiio, T., Okunishi, M., and Okumura, S. "Fundamental Studies on the Large Scale Cultivation of Edible Fungi." Mushroom Science IX (Part 1) (April, 1974) 17-48.
  9. Sinden, J.W. "Disease Problems in Technologically Advanced Mushroom Farms." Mushroom Science VIII (September, 1972) 125-130.
  10. Stamets, P., Chilton, J.S. The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home. Olympia, Washington: Agarikon Press, 1984.
  11. Tschierpe, H.J. "Environmental Factors and Mushroom Growing." The Mushroom Journal (Jan.-Feb., 1972) 23-30.
  12. Wuest, P.J "The Use of Steam for Phase II." Mushroom News (November, 1970) 18-23.

List of Figures. Here are the illustrations we are planning for the project:

  1. Pictorial overview of the general process of mushroom cultivation
  2. Schematic of a simple sterile laboratory
  3. Floorplans and elevations of the mycological grow room
  4. Shelving system schematic
  5. Tray system schematic
  6. Air purification and temperature control system detail
  7. Humidification system detail

Development of Floorplans and Elevations

This task proceeded along smoothly. It has been divided into two categories: completed, and work to be done, in order to determine the status of the project.

Development of the Detail Drawings

This category has been divided into completed, and work to be done to establish the status of the task.

Writing the Necessary Text

This phase of the project proves the most difficult and more needs to be done. This section has also been divided into the same two categories.

Overall Appraisal

The project has come together nicely and looks very professional though we do admit we will be unable to deliver the finished product by the April 20 deadline. Our figures for the air exchange and lighting requirements were found to be inaccurate and will be resolved. The remaining text will be completed soon after and immediately sent to Mr. Smoker. We apologize for the tardiness and hope that the quality will more than make up for this delay.

After all final revisions of the drawings and text are completed they will be made photo-ready, compiled, and immediately sent to Mr. Smoker. The problems we have incurred have set our final date back two weeks. We urge you to call at our office number with any problems you might have.

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