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Resume overview. This writer summarizes her background as a medical-related professional and as a science and education writer. Seeking a science-education editorship, she emphasizes both aspects of her background.
Note: This resume has not been designed as an online or web resume. Web resumes take advantage of the web and online delivery medium in ways; this example is simply a rendering of the printed version. Heading. This writer puts her name, address, and phone number in the heading portion of his resume. You can consider including your professional title or key certifications in this same section as well. Notice that she places a solid ruled line across the page between each major section of the resume. Professional experience. Notice how this writer uses her job titles as the main headings of this section, rather than the organizations she's worked for. Notice too that she summarizes her experience in regular paragraph form rather than bullets—probably because she has a lot of detail to present. And finally notice that she places the name of the company (without addresses or phone numbers) at the beginning of each paragraph, and the date at the end—but in italics to make them stand out. Education. Notice that this writer continues the heading approach but, in this section, uses the name of the educational institution rather than her major as the heading content. And she continues the compact paragraph approach to the detail summaries. Dates. This writer uses a number of strategies to save space in this resume, one of which is to consolidate the dates into the summary paragraphs. Notice that the dates are in reverse chronological order. Organizations. This writer emphasizes her professional activity and commitment by listing the professional organizations she's a member of.
Design. This resume has a nice organized design and, even though it has regular paragraphs through, manages to appear readable. None of the paragraphs are longer than six or seven lines, and the indentation reduces the line length.
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