Book Series of ECCC
Meinel, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam
Thorsten Theobald, Universität Frankfurt/Main
OBDD - Foundations and Applications
One of the
main problems in chip design is the huge number of possible
combinations of individual chip elements, leading to a combinatorial
explosion as chips become more complex. New key results in theoretical
computer science and in the design of data structures and efficient
algorithms can be applied fruitfully here. The application of ordered
binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) has led to dramatic performance
improvements in many computer-aided design projects. This textbook
provides an introduction to the foundations of this interdisciplinary
research area, with an emphasis on applications in computer-aided
circuit design and formal verification.
Table of Content
Complete Electronic Version (pdf-gz)
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Springer-Online oder
Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York), August 1998
267 pages, 116 figures
ISBN 3-540-64486-5
Contact address of Springer:
There also exists a German version of the book.
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