CSCI 1710: Table Basics Exercise
In this exercise, you will create two simple tables using the
table tags discussed in the textbook.
Table 1:
Recreate the table pictured below in HTML with the following characteristics:
- table border 2 pixels wide
- padding between items inside of cell and edge of cell equal to 3 pixels
- space between cells equal to 2 pixels
- table should be centered
- table should be 75% of the width of the displayed page
- all of the items in the leftmost column should be aligned to the right
- all remaining cells should be aligned to the center
- all empty cells should contain the non-breaking space character entity ( )
- all empty cells should have a background color of "green"
Table 2:
Simply recreate the table shown in the image below:
Created by David Tarnoff for use by ETSU students enrolled in CSCI 1710.