Pictures of Matthew Now That He's Adjusted

Okay, so we've spent a little time at home and everybody is used to everybody else. (Everyone that is, except the cats. They think Matthew's just a really ugly bald cat, and they want nothing to do with him.)

A picture added purely to show you how cute a baby can be! Apparently Karen has the dominant genes in our little family.

Okay, this looks worse than it is. One morning at 3:00 AM, after I'd fed Matthew, both the dog and the baby were sound asleep. This is the result when they both woke up at the moment the flash went off. (No babies or dogs were harmed in the taking of this picture!) You can't see my right hand holding the baby's bottom while I'm snapping the picture. Casey and Matthew actually like each other quite well. Okay, so I was a little sleep deprived! I hesitated to show this picture to Karen, but after she laughed at it, I knew I could show the rest of the world.

For those of you who don't know, I'm constantly dodging bullets in my home. Karen, in whom the mothering instinct has kicked in with both barrels, is sometimes less than comfortable with my "fun". A common phrase in our house is, "He's not a toy!" I beg to differ. Matthew is the greatest toy ever invented! To heck with interactive electronics.

My first attempt at using the snuggly thing. Matthew actually loves it! He stays wide awake looking out the little arm holes. (His arm holes, not mine.)

Another picture for you cuteness suckers.

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