ACC Summary: The ACC function accumulates an input, X, to form the result, Z. The width of the X input can be controlled with the Xwidth parameter. The format (signed or unsigned) of X is controlled with Xsigned. The output, Z, and the accumulator have a width equal to Awidth. When rounding is selected (Round>0), only the bits of Z with indices from Round to Awidth-1 are valid. The accumulator is reset when R is LOW and CLK goes HIGH. Function: Z(n)=X(n-1) + (R(n-1) ? Z(n-1) : 1<<(Round-1)) Signals: X: Xwidth wide input (Xsigned sets format) Z: Awidth wide output R: synchronous 1-bit reset control, active LOW CLK: positive edge triggered clock Parameters: Name: actual module name Xwidth: width of input X Awidth: width of the accumulator and output Xsigned: format of X (signed when selected, unsigned otherwise) Round: select the rounding position (0 for no rounding) AdderType: select the adder type ('fastcla', 'cla', 'csa', 'clsa') Verilog Usage: Name(X,Z,R,CLK); Version: $Id:,v 1.4 1994/09/19 22:43:23 peter Exp $