General Information
Important Information
q College guidelines for adding, dropping, and other administrative issues can be found here.
q Cheating will not be tolerated! A discussion of this issue can be found here
q The
Course Description
This course introduces mask-level integrated circuit design for digital circuit design. Correct engineering design methodology is emphasized. Topics covered in lectures include:
q CMOS processes
q Mask layout methods and design rules
q Circuit characterization and performance estimation
q Standard cell design and use
q Custom data path circuit design
q Use of CAD tools for VLSI design
q Design for testability
q CMOS subsystem and system design.
This is a project-oriented course in which you will design a modest-sized CMOS integrated circuit. Except for the occasional tutorial session, no specific lab times are scheduled, and you can work at your convenience.
The homework assignments and the project will require the use of the workstations in the CADE lab (Cadence and Synopsys run only on Solaris and linux machines – not Windows). Students must have an account that will allow them to use the CADE machines, and some familiarity with UNIX and X-windows will be assumed.
Integrated circuit design is mastered only through experience. The homework, as well as lectures, will be closely tied to the term project, the design of a simple standard cell library and then the use of that library to design a project. The initial design of cells for the project will be done individually. You must complete the design of these cells on time. You are encouraged to interact with others, but until you are asked to form teams, the work on your cell designs, simulations, etc., must be your own.
The final library and project will be done in teams. The project must be completed, and you must submit a final report in the format specified.
Within the constraints of available funding, eligible projects will be fabricated through the MOSIS service. If your project is fabricated, it must be tested; you can get credit for testing it in CS/EE 6770 or as an independent study project. You are encouraged to enter your design in the DAC (Design Automation Conference) Student Design Contest.
Tutorials on the CAD tools
We'll be using CAD tools from Cadence and Synopsys this semester. These are "industrial strength" CAD tools and are the same tools that major chip makers use to build commercial chips. As such they are very powerful tools but they aren't necessarily intuitive to use. They are very efficient tools for the power user, but they sometimes have a steep learning curve.
I’m in the process of rewriting all the tool tutorials and putting them in book form as a CAD tool lab manual. Draft chapters will appear here as they are available. You are, of course, free to read the CAD tool documentation and learn more if you like. However, I encourage you to start with the tutorials because we know that using the tools in this way works. If you discover some new trick about using the tools, I’d love to hear about it!
The following draft book chapters are in PDF format…
q Title page and table of contents
q Chapter 2: Cadence Design Framework
q Chapter 3: Composer Schematic Capture
q Chapter 4: Verilog Simulation
q Chapter 5: Virtuoso Layout Editor
q Chapter 6: Spectre Analog Simulation
q Chapter 7: Cell Characterization
q Chapter 9: Abstract Generation
q Chapter 10: SOC Encounter Place and Route
q Chapter 12: Design Example: TinyMIPS
q Appendix A: Tool Administration
q Appendix B: Highlights of the Tools
q Appendix C: Tool and Startup Scripts
q Appendix D: MOSIS SCMOS Rev8 Design Rules
q Appendix E: Technology and Cell Libraries
q Bibliography and Index
q A paper by Allen Tanner about the makemem memory generator
q A tutorial demonstration of the makemem program generating a ROM and an SRAM
Assignments and Labs
The labs for this class are on a very tight schedule in order to complete the project by the end of the semester. Any slip in the schedule will cause lots of headaches later on! Students will need to be aware of the schedule and complete labs on time.
The lab contents will be available here as soon as we have them ready...
With CAD5 we're going to start electronic handin of much of the assignment. General instructions for the CADE handin process are located here. Instructions for each specific assignment will be either in the assignment or emailed to the class mailing list.
q Review assignment. In PDF. This assignment will be graded! It will just be graded pass/fail though. If you can answer all the questions easily then you probably have the right background for this course. If you can't, you will need to brush up on some of your digital logic background! Please take this seriously! If you have trouble with this exam, you will also have trouble with the project! Due Friday, September 1st.
q CAD1: in PDF - Cadence schematic capture and Verilog simulation. Reading: CAD Manual Chapters 1-4. Due Friday September 1st.
q CAD2: in PDF - Virtuoso layout, DRC, LVS, Analog simulation. Reading CAD manual Chapters 5-6. Due Thursday September 14th.
q CAD3: in PDF - FF/Register design. Reading: Lab Manual Chapters 3-6, Book Chapter 1 (section 1.4). Also peek ahead at Chapter 7. Due Thursday September 21st.
q CAD4: in PDF - DC simulation, transistor operation. Reading: CAD manual Chapter 6, Book Chapter 2. Due Thursday September 28th.
q CAD5: in PDF - Initial 5-cell Library. Group Assignment! Reading: CAD
manual Chapters 7-8. Due
Tuesday October 10th.
For CAD5 use electronic handin for your cell library project directory
(UofU_6710Lib), your UofU_6710Lib.lib file, and any Verilog testbenches you
used for simulating the cells. Also include a README file that explains what
has been turned in. The behavioral and structural Verilog
files that demonstrate using your library with Synopsys should be printed and
turned in to the box outside the SoC office, along with your group number,
names, and the user id under which the electronic files were handed in.
q CAD6: in PDF - Seven more cells to make a 12-cell Library. Group
Assignment! Reading: CAD
manual Chapters 7-9. Due
Tuesday October 17th.
For CAD6 use electronic handin for your cell library project directory
(UofU_6710Lib), your UofU_6710Lib.lib, UofU_6710Lib.lef, and UofU_6710Lib.v
files, and any
Verilog testbenches that you used for simulating the cells. Also include a
README file that explains what has been turned in. Your report on how you chose
the extra cells to include in your library should be printed out and handed in
in the box outside the SoC office. This report should include examples of using
your new library on each of the four example Verilog files. Make sure to
include your group number, names, and the
ID under which the electronic handin files were handed in.
q CAD7: in PDF - A few more cells, and place and route of a controller
example. Reading: CAD
manual Chapter 10. Due
Tuesday October 24th.
Handin instructions are in the assignment.
q Proposal: in PDF - Tell me about the project you plan to design. Due
Thursday November 2nd.
You can print this assignment and put it in the box by the School of Computing
office, or you can use electronic handin for the "Proposal" assignment.
q You can find the charROM character ROM in the /uusoc/facility/cad_common/local/Cadence/lib/charROM directory. You can use the library manager to add this charROM library to the set of libraries that you can see. You can find a data sheet for the charROM here.
q Example midterm in PDF - This is an example midterm exam from a previous version of this class. This year's midterm will have a similar structure, but (of course) with different questions!. The midterm will be in class on Tuesday November 21st.
Lecture Slides
I'll put the slides up here as they become available.
q Slides for lecture 1: intro, CMOS transistors as switches. Available in PDF six to a page and in PDF two to a page, Reading: Chapter 1, sections 1.1-1.4
q Slides from David Harris on transistor-level
gate design. Available in PDF six to a page and in PDF two to a page, Reading: Chapter 1, Section
q Intro to Layout, Design Rules. Available in
PDF six to a page and in PDF two to a page, Reading: Chapter 1, section
1.5 (and Chapter 6)
More Layout (NOR example), intro to Verilog
testbenches. Available in PDF six to a page and in PDF two to a page, Reading: Verilog companion
text, Verilog docuements linked from this class web site.
More detailed intro to Verilog
testbenches. Available in PDF six to a page and in PDF two to a page, Reading: Verilog companion
text, Verilog docuements linked from this class web site.
Even more Layout
(line of diffusion layout, Euler diagrams, stick diagrams). Available in
PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page, Reading: Chapter 5, section 5.3 in particular
Slides from David
Harris on the MIPS example in section 1.7. Available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page
MOS Transistor Theory
Available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page, Reading: Chapter 2, 4.
CMOS processing and
fabrication. Available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page, Reading: Chapter 3
Logical Effort
transistor sizing available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Logical Effort slides
from David Harris (the co-author of our textbook, and co-author of the
Logical Effort book) available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Verilog for Synthesis. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Lightening tour of Design Compiler and SOC Encounter. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Slides on the MIPS processor in the text. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Slides on datapath circuits. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
q Slides on displays and VGA controllers. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page. q
Slides on pads, pad frames, and finishing up. available in PDF six
to a page and in PDF two
to a page.
Grading Policy Grading will be based on participation. Expected
participation includes: o Homework: Written homework will take the form of
problem sets, project proposals, and other written work. o Labs: Labs involve mask-layout design of cells
that will be used in your semester project. We will use CAD tools from Cadence
runing on Solaris and linux. o Mid-term Exam: There will be one exam given
sometime in the middle of the semester. o Class Project: The class project is the design
of a small digital standard cell library and the use of that library to design
a moderate-sized project. Each team will implement the baseline cell library,
and propose additional circuits to tailor their library to a specific
application area. Graduate projects (6000-level) will be required to be
"more interesting" than the undergraduate projects. Graduate students
will also be required to read and review two papers relating to VLSI from
journals or conferences in the area. More details about this as class
progresses. Project grading will be divided into two areas of importance. The first of these is design quality, which means soundness of engineering design
(appropriate design trade-offs) and ingenuity at all levels of the design
activity. This will be evaluated with equal weight placed on: § complexity: the number of extras added to the
baseline library, and the complexity of the project built with the library. § application/systems decisions: evaluates whether
intelligent decisions were made in making the design fit the application. § implementation quality: evaluated in three areas:
datapath, chip-floorplan, and circuit design. Datapath evaluation will look at
pitch-matching, over-cell routing, density, power routes, etc. Floorplanning
will evaluate chip planning and how well things fit together. Circuit design
will evaluate the quality of the custom transistor design. § completion: will look at how far the project
progressed. Mask level LVS/DRC results will be looked at as well as simulation
results and whether the chip is ready of MOSIS fabrication. Note that ingenuity is usually seen in simplicity,
rather than added complexity. Credit will be given for doing things the right
way, rather than the easy way. The second area is documentation. The final
report should include an application-based specification and a clear description
of your resulting chip implementation. The report must follow the format for an
entry in the DAC Student Design Contest. An example will be given in class. No
credit will be given for late reports. Each member of a project team will
typically receive the same grade for the final project and for the project cell
designs. If a particular group member is not contributing substantially to the
project effort, his or her project grade and cell design grades will all be
reduced by an appropriate percentage. Each group member will be given a peer
contribution form to assess team member's efforts on each project-related
assignment. These forms will be collected in the middle and at the end of the
semester. Percentages for grades are as follows: § Labs (cell designs) & Homework: 40% § Design Review: 5% § Mid-term Exam: 15% § Project (design and report) 40% Helpful Information General Information q Chapter
one from Sutherland, Sproull, and Harris' book on Logic Effort is here in PDF. The website for the book is located
here q A
document by Eric Marsman from
q A
guide to basic electronics including MOS transistors: Appendix B from Contemporary Logic
Design by Randy Katz. You don't need to know the sections on bipolar or
diode logic. The MOS section is the most important. q Errata (mistakes) in the class
textbook, q The
SCN3M_SUBM SCMOS design rules from MOSIS, translated to microns, in PDF format, and in Word
format. q The
official SCMOS Rev8 design rules at MOSIS q A
link to Reid Harrison's CS/EE
5720/6720 Analog VLSI class. They are also using the NCSU CDK and the SCMOS
rules so you can find more information here including tutorials on analog
simulation of designs built with the NCSU CDK, and a layout tutorial. q Information
on Chip Fabrication at USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI): MOSIS (MOS Implementation Service) home page q LaTeX
style files for producing IEEE-formatted two-column papers: A .cls style file with formatting information, a .bst bibliography style file, and a sample .tex file that demonstrates how it
all should be used. q A
Microsoft Word example file that shows how
to get an IEEE format in MS Word. q A
data sheet on the HM6264 8kX8 SRAM from the
DSL lab kits. This is a good example of a generic SRAM that shows read and
write protocols. q Documentation
from Tanner Research about their digital pads in PDF. We'll be using these pads for our chip designs. q A
page from Americn Microsemiconductor that has lots of tutorials on
various semiconductor topics. q Here's
a paper that I wrote a few years ago that describes a simple stack based architecture similar to the transputer that might make a great project. Even if you don't use this exact architecture,
stack-based machine make nice simple processor architectures for those wanting
to do a processor project. You definitely don't have to do this as a self-timed
processor! It's a perfectly good synchronous stack machine too. q Here
are a couple papers from the Journal of Solid State Circuits about latches and
flip flops. These are just a couple examples, there are lots of papers about
this! These papers analyze different latch and flip flop circuits for speed and
power performance. o Comparative Analysis of Master Slave Latches and
Flip-Flops for High-Performance and Low-Power Systems by Vladimir
Stojanovic and Vojin G. Oklobdzija o New single-Clock CMOS LAtches and Flipflops with
Improved Speed and Power Savings by Jiren Yuan and Christer Svensson q Compact yet High-Performance (CyHP) Library for
Short Time-to-Market with New Technologies by Nguyen Minh Duc and Takayasu
Sakurai. This paper makes a case that a small (11 or 20 cells) library can
perform almost as well as a 400 cell library when used with Synopsys design
compiler and standard benchmarks. Tool
Information (Cadence, Synopsys, Verilog, etc. ) q
Here is a user's guide to the new XG mode of
Synopsys design_compiler
q Single-page
reference sheet on Verilog syntax. This is the language used by the Verilog-XL
simulator in Cadence. Use this as the equivalent of the ViewSim command
language in Powerview. PDF format q A Verilog Quick Reference guide (in Postscript) q Another Verilog guide, this one is a lab
from another class, but it talks about simulating Verilog code using the
Verilog-XL simulator. q Yet
another Verilog guide. This one is an
intruduction to Verilog from Daniel C. Hyde at
q A
set of documents from Synopsys that describe good Verilog coding style for
synthesis. They are all in PDF. These files are linked together if you're using
the Acroread plugin to netscape or IE. Open the Table of Contents and you
should be able click on the chapters in that file to open up the chapters. q A
reference manual from Synopsys describing the Verilog synthesis engine. q Here's a directory that has
all the help files for the Module Compiler Express cells Project Information q Some
project ideas in Word, in HTML and in PDF. q A
description of the Instruction Set Architecture
(ISA) of an example class processor. This is the description from the
q Some
slides from EECS 427 at
q A
CR16 lecture from CS/EE 3710 last year: Six per page, PDF This isn't
quite exactly the same as the
q PDF version of CR16A Programmer's
Reference Manual. This is the manual that describes in detail the operation
of the real CR16, and Appendix A has the details of the "real
encoding" should you want to use that for your project. Note that this
document is 94 pages long... q Home page at
National for a bunch of other CR16 documents. Note that we are more
interested in the CR16A than in the CR16B, although they are very similar. q Information
about the DAC student VLSI
Design contest Reference Material q David
Hodges, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits (3rd ed), McGraw
Hill, 2004. q Wayne
Wolf, Modern VLSI Design (3rd ed), Prentice Hall, 2002. q Jan
M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits (2nd ed), Prentice Hall, 2003. q Glasser
and Doberpuhl, The Design and Analysis of VLSI Circuits, (most detailed circuit
treatment), Addison-Wesley, 1985. q Michael
J. S. Smith, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, (new, comprehensive,
advanced level) Addison-Wesley, 1997. q Hodges
q Hennessy
and Patterson, Computer Organization & Design - The Hardware/Software
Interface, (3810 text) Morgan Kaufmann, 1994. q IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits I q EEE
Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems q IEEE
International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1954 - q Advanced
Research in VLSI, 1980- q IEEE
Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1979 - q EE
Times, Electronics, Computer Design, EDN...
Last year the VGA controller was a CAD assignment for everyone. The assignment
and specs for the assigned VGA controller from last year can be found herre. The specs and
description may help you getting your own VGA controller to work. Note that the
tutorials pointed to by last year's assignment aren't valid. You should be
using our CAD Manual flow.