
part of Software Engineering for Internet Applications by Eve Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet; revised February 2005
In this chapter you'll learn how to evaluate Internet application development environments. Then you'll pick one. Then you'll learn how to use it.

You're also going to learn about the stateless and anonymous protocol that makes Web development different from classical inter-computer application development. You'll learn why the relational database management system is key to controlling the concurrency problem that arises from multiple simultaneous users. You'll develop software to read and write Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Old-Style Communications Protocols

In a traditional communications protocol, Computer Program A opens a connection to Computer Program B. Both programs run continuously for the duration of the communication. This makes it easy for Program B to remember what Program A has said already. Program B can build up state in its memory. The memory can in fact contain a complete log of everything that has come over the wire from Program A.

**** insert figure here ****

Figure 2.1: In a traditional stateful communications protocol, two programs running on two separate computers establish a connection and proceed to use that connection for as long as necessary, typically until one of the programs terminates.

HTTP: Stateless and Anonymous

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the fundamental means of exchanging information and requesting services on the Web. HTTP is also used when developing text services for mobile phone users and, with VoiceXML, also used to implement voice-controlled applications.

The most important thing to know about HTTP is that it is stateless. If you view ten Web pages, your browser makes ten independent HTTP requests of the publisher's Web server. At any time in between those requests, you are free to restart your browser program. At any time in between those requests, the publisher is free to restart its server program.

Here's the anatomy of a typical HTTP session:

You can try it yourself from an operating system shell:
bash-2.03$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 18385
Content-Type: text/html

<html><head><title>Yahoo!</title><base href=>...
In this case we've used the Unix telnet command with an optional argument specifying the port number for the target host--everything typed by the programmer is here indicated in bold. We typed the "GET ..." line ourselves and then hit Enter twice on the keyboard. Yahoo's first header back is "HTTP/1.0 200 OK". The HTTP status code of 200 means that the file was found ("OK").

See the HTTP standard at for more information on HTTP.

Don't get too lost in the details of the HTTP example. The point is that when the connection is over, it is over. If the user follows a hyperlink from the Yahoo front page to "Photography," for example, that's a brand new HTTP request. If Yahoo is using multiple servers to operate its site, the second request might go to an entirely different machine. This sounds fine for browsing Yahoo. But suppose you're shopping at an e-commerce site such as Amazon. If you put something in your shopping cart on one HTTP request, you still want it to be there ten clicks later. Or suppose you've logged into on Click 23 and on Click 45 are responding to a discussion forum posting. You don't want the server to have forgotten your identity and demand your username and password again.

This presents you, the engineer, with a challenge: creating a stateful user experience on top of a fundamentally stateless protocol.

Where can you store state from request to request? Perhaps in a log file on the Web server. The server would write down "Joe Smith wants three copies of Bus Nine to Paradise by Leo Buscaglia". On any subsequent request by Joe Smith, the server-side script can simply check the log and display the contents of the shopping cart. A problem with this idea, however, is that HTTP is anonymous. A Web server doesn't know that it is Joe Smith connecting. The server only knows the IP address of the computer making the request. Sometimes this translates into a host name. If it is, perhaps you can identify subsequent requests from this IP address as coming from the same person. But what if it is, one of the HTTP proxy servers connecting America Online's 20 million users to the public Internet? The same user's next request will very likely come from a different IP address, i.e., another physical computer within AOL's racks and racks of proxy machines. The next request from will very likely come from a different person, i.e., another physical human being among AOL's 20 million subscribers who share a common pool of proxy machines.

Somehow you need to write some information out to an individual user that will be returned on that user's next request.

If all of your pages are generated by computer programs as opposed to being static HTML, one idea would be to rewrite all the hyperlinks on the pages served. Instead of sending the same files to everyone, with the same embedded URLs, customize the output so that a user who follows a link is sending extra information back to the server. Here is an example of how embeds a session key in URLs:

  1. Suppose that a shopper follows a link to a page that displays a single book for sale, e.g., Note that 1588750019 is an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and completely identifies the product to be presented.
  2. The server redirects the request to a URL that includes a session ID after the last slash, e.g., ""
  3. If the shopper rolls a mouse over the hyperlinks on the page served, he or she will notice that all the hyperlinks contain, at the end, this same session ID.
Note that this session ID does not change in length no matter how long a shopper's session or how many items are placed in the shopping cart. The session ID is being used as a key to look up the shopping basket contents in a database within An alternative implementation would be to encode the complete contents of the shopping cart in the URLs instead of the session ID. Suppose, for example, that Joe Shopper puts three books in his shopping cart. Amazon's server could simply add three ISBNs to all the hyperlink URLs that he might follow, separated by slashes. The URLs will be getting a bit long but Amazon's programmers can take encouragement from this quote from the HTTP spec:
The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they serve, and SHOULD be able to handle URIs of unbounded length if they provide GET-based forms that could generate such URIs. A server SHOULD return 414 (Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer than the server can handle (see section 10.4.15).
There is no need to worry about turning away Amazon's best customers, the ones with really big shopping carts, with a return status of "414 Request-URI Too Long". Or is there? Here is a comment from the HTTP spec:
Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy implementations might not properly support these lengths.
Perhaps this is why the real live stores only session ID in the URLs.


Instead of playing games with rewriting hyperlinks in HTML pages we can take advantage of an extension to HTTP known as cookies. We said that we needed a way to write some information out to an individual user that will be returned on that user's next request. The first paragraph of Netscape's "Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies — Preliminary Specification" ( reads
Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections (such as CGI scripts) can use to both store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection. The addition of a simple, persistent, client-side state significantly extends the capabilities of Web-based client/server applications.
How does it work? After Joe Smith adds a book to his shopping cart, the server writes
Set-Cookie: cart_contents=1588750019; path=/
As long as Joe does not quit his browser, on every subsequent request to your server, the browser adds a header:
Cookie: cart_contents=1588750019
Your server-side scripts can read this header and extract the current contents of the shopping cart.

Sound like the perfect solution? In some ways it is. If you're a computer science egghead you can take pride in the fact that this is a distributed database management system. Instead of keeping a big log file on your server, you're keeping bits of information on thousands of users' machines worldwide. But one problem with cookies is that the spec limits you to asking each browser to store no more than 20 cookies on behalf of your server and each of those cookies must be no more than 4 kilobytes in size. A minor problem is that cookie information will be passed back up to your server on every page load. If you have indeed indulged yourself by parking 80 Kbytes of information in 20 cookies and your user is on a modem, this is going to slow down Web interaction.

A deeper problem with cookies is that they aren't portable for the user. If Joe Smith starts shopping from his desktop computer at work and wants to continue from a mobile phone in a taxi or from a Web browser at home, he can't retrieve the contents of his cart so far. The shopping cart resides in the memory of his computer at work.

A final problem with cookies is that a small percentage of users have disabled them due to the privacy problems illustrated in figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Cookies coupled with the open-hearted behavior of 1990s browsers meant the end of privacy on the Internet. Suppose that three publishers cooperate and agree to serve all of their banner ads from When Joe User visits and types in "acne cream", the page comes back with an IMG referencing Joe's browser will automatically visit and ask for "the GIF for SE9734". If this is Joe's first time using any of these three cooperating services, will issue a Set-Cookie header to Joe's browser. Meanwhile, sends a message to saying "SE9734 was a request for acne cream pages." The "acne cream" string gets stored in's database along with "browser_id 7586." When Joe visits, he is forced to register and give his name, e-mail address, Snail mail address, and credit card number. There are no ads in They have too much integrity for that. So they include in their pages an IMG referencing a blank GIF at Joe's browser requests "the blank GIF for BM17377" and, because it is talking to, the site that issued the Set-Cookie header, the browser includes a cookie header saying "I'm browser_id 7586." When all is said and done, the folks know Joe User's name, his interests, and the fact that he has downloaded six spanking JPEGs from

A reasonable engineering approach to using cookies is to send a unique identifier for the data rather than the data, just as in the "session ID in the URL" example previously described. Information about the contents of the shopping cart will be kept in some sort of log on the server. This means that it can be picked up from another location. To see how this works in practice, go to an operating system shell and request the home page of

bash-2.03$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Set-Cookie: ad_browser_id=3291092; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2010 01:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: ad_session_id=3291093%2c0%2c6634C478EF46FC%2c10622158; Path=/; Max-Age=86400
Set-Cookie: last_visit=1071622158; path=/; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2010 01:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 00:49:18 GMT
Server: AOLserver/3.3.1+ad13
Content-Length: 8289
Connection: close

Note that two cookies are set. The first one, ad_browser_id is given an explicit expiration date in January 2010. This instructs the browser to record the cookie value, in this case "3291092," on the hard drive. The cookie's value will continue to be sent back up to the server for the next five years, even if the user quits and restarts the browser. What's the point of having a browser cookie? If the user says "I prefer text-only" or "I prefer French language" that's probably worthwhile information to keep with the browser. The text-only preference may be related to a slow Internet connection to that computer. If the computer is in a home full of Francophones, chances are that all the people who share the browser will prefer French.

The second cookie set, ad_session_id is set to expire after one hour ("Max-Age=3600"). If not explicitly set to expire, it would expire when the user quit his or her browser. Things worth associating with a session ID include the contents of a shopping cart on an e-commerce site, though note that if were a shopping site, it would not be a good idea to expire the session cookie after one hour! It is annoying to build up a cart, be called away from your computer for a few hours, and then have to start over when you return to what you thought was a working Web page.

If we were logged into, there would be a third cookie, one that identifies the user. Languages and presentation preferences stored on the server on behalf of the user would then override preferences kept with the browser ID.

Server-Side Storage

You've got ID information going out to and coming back from browsers, via either the cookie extension to HTTP or URL rewriting. Now you have to figure out a way to keep associated information on the Web server.

For flexibility in how you present and analyze user-contributed data, you'll probably want to keep the information in a structured form. For example, it would be nice to have a table of all the items put into shopping carts by various users. And another table of orders. And another table of reader-contributed product reviews. And another table of questions and answers.

What's a good tool for storing tables of information? Consider first a spreadsheet program. These are inexpensive and easy to use. One should never apply more complex technology than necessary for solving a problem. Something like Visicalc, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, or StarOffice Calc would seem to serve nicely.

The problem with a spreadsheet program is that it is designed for one user. The program listens for user input from two sources: mouse and keyboard. The program reports its results to one place: the screen. Any source of persistence for a Web server has to contend with potentially thousands of simultaneous users both reading and writing to the database. This is the problem that database management systems (DBMS) were intended to solve.

A good way to think about a relational database management system (RDBMS, the most popular type of DBMS) is as a spreadsheet program that sits inside a dark closet. If you need to create a new table you slip a little strip of paper under the door with "CREATE TABLE ..." written on it. To add a row of data to that table, you slip another little strip under the door saying "INSERT...". To change some data within the table, you write "UPDATE.. " on a paper strip. To remove a row, you send in a strip starting with "DELETE".

Notice that we've solved the concurrency problem here. Suppose that you have only one copy of Bus Nine to Paradise left in inventory and 1000 users at the same instant request Dr. Buscaglia's work. By arranging the strips of paper in a row, the program in the closet can decide to process one INSERT into the orders table and reject the 999 others. This is better than 1000 people fighting over a single keyboard and mouse.

Once we've sent information into the closet, how do we get it back out? We can write down a request for a report on a strip of paper starting with "SELECT" and slide it under the door. The DBMS in the dark closet will prepare a report for us and slide that back to us under the same door.

How do we evaluate whether or not a DBMS is powerful enough for our application? Starting in the 1960s IBM proposed the "ACID test":

Results of a transaction's execution are either all committed or all rolled back. All changes take effect, or none do. Suppose that a user is registering by uploading name, address, and JPEG portrait into three separate tables. A Web script tells the database to perform three inserts as part of a transaction. If the hard drive fills up after the name and address have been inserted but before the portrait can be stored, the changes to the name and address tables will be rolled back.
The database is transformed from one valid state to another valid state. A transaction is legal only if it obeys user-defined integrity constraints. Illegal transactions aren't allowed and, if an integrity constraint can't be satisfied, the transaction is rolled back. For example, suppose that you define a rule that postings in a discussion forum table must be attributed to a valid user ID. Then you hire Joe Novice to write some admin pages. Joe writes a delete-user page that doesn't bother to check whether or not the deletion will result in an orphaned discussion forum posting. An ACID-compliant DBMS will check, though, and abort any transaction that would result in you having a discussion forum posting by a deleted user.
The results of a transaction are invisible to other transactions until the transaction is complete. For example, suppose you have a page to show new users and their photographs. This page is coded in reliance on the publisher's directive that there will be a portrait for every user and will present a broken image if there is not. Jane Newuser is registering at your site at the same time that Bill Olduser is viewing the new user page. The script processing Jane's registration has completed inserting her name and address into their respective tables. But it is not done storing her JPEG portrait. If Bill's query starts before Jane's transaction commits, Bill won't see Jane at all on his new-users page, even though Jane's insertion into some of the tables is complete.
Once committed (completed), the results of a transaction are permanent and survive future system and media failures. Suppose your e-commerce system inserts an order from a customer into a database table and then instructs CyberSource to bill the customer $500. A millisecond later, before your server has heard back from CyberSource, someone trips over the machine's power cord. An ACID-compliant DBMS will not have forgotten about the new order. Furthermore, if a programmer spills coffee into a disk drive, it will be possible to install a new disk and recover the transactions up to the coffee spill, showing that you tried to bill someone for $500 and still aren't sure what happened over at CyberSource. Notice that to achieve the D part of ACID requires that your computer have more than one hard disk.

Why the Relational Database Management System?

Why is the relational database management system (RDBMS) the dominant technology for persistence behind a Web server? There are three main factors.

The first pillar of RDBMS popularity is a declarative query language called "SQL". The most common style of programming is not declarative; it is called "imperative" or "procedural". You tell the computer what to do, step by step:

Programs written in this style have two drawbacks. First, they quickly become complex and then can be developed and maintained only by professional programmers. Second, they contain a lot of errors. For example, the program sketched above may have quite a few bugs. It is not after March 17, 2023. So we can't be sure that the steps specified in the THEN clause of the IF statement are error-free.

An alternative style of programming is "declarative". We tell the computer what we want, e.g., a report of users who've been registered for more than one year but who haven't answered any questions in the discussion forum. We don't tell the RDBMS whether to scan the users table first and then check the discussion forum table or vice versa. We just specify the desired characteristics of the report and it is the job of the RDBMS to prepare it.

Stop someone in the street. Pick someone with fashionable clothing so you can be sure he or she is not a professional programmer. Ask this person, "Have you ever programmed in a declarative computer language?" Follow that up with "Have you ever used a spreadsheet program?" Chances are that you can find quite a few people who will tell you that they've never written any kind of computer program but yet they've developed fairly sophisticated spreadsheet models. Why? The spreadsheet language is declarative: "Make this cell be the sum of these three other cells". The user doesn't tell the spreadsheet program in what order to perform the computation, merely the desired result.

The declarative language of the spreadsheet created an explosion in the number of people who were able to develop working computer programs. Through the mid-1970s, organizations that worked with data kept a staff of programmers. If you wanted some analysis performed you'd call one into your office, explain the assumptions and formulae to be used, then wait a few days for a report. In 1979 Dan Bricklin (MIT EECS '73) and Bob Frankston (MIT EECS '70) developed Visicalc and suddenly most of the people who'd been hollering for programming services were able to build their own models.

With an RDBMS the metaphoric little strips of paper pushed under the door are declarative programs in the SQL language. (See SQL for Web Nerds at for a SQL language tutorial.)

The second pillar of RDBMS popularity is isolation of important data from programmers' mistakes. With other kinds of database management systems it is possible for a computer program to make arbitrary changes to the data set. This can be convenient for applications such as computer-aided design systems with very complex data structures. However if your goal is to preserve a data set over a twenty-five-year period, letting arbitrarily buggy imperative programs make arbitrary changes isn't a good idea. The RDBMS limits programmers to uttering very simple statements of the form INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. Furthermore, if you're unhappy with the contents of your database you can simply review all the strips of paper that were pushed under the door. Each strip will contain an SQL statement and the name of the program or programmer that authored the strip. This makes it easy to correct mistakes and reform offenders.

The third and final pillar of RDBMS popularity is good performance with many thousands of simultaneous users. This is more a reflection on the refined state of commercial development of systems such as IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and the open-source PostgreSQL, than an inherent feature of the RDBMS itself.

The Steps

When building any Internet application you're going to go through the following steps:
  1. Develop a data model. What information are you going to store and how will you represent it?
  2. Develop a collection of legal transactions on that model, e.g., inserts and updates.
  3. Design the page flow. How will the user interact with the system? What steps will lead up to one of those legal transactions? (Note that "page flow" embraces interaction design on Web, mobile browsers, and also via hierarchical voice menus in VoiceXML but not conversational speech systems.)
  4. Implement the individual pages. You'll be writing scripts that query information from the data model, wrap that information in a template (in HTML for a Web application), and return the combined result to the user.
It is very unlikely that you'll have a choice of tools for persistent storage. You will be using an RDBMS and won't be making any fundamental technology decisions at Steps 1 or 2. Designing the page flow is a purely abstract exercise. There are some technology-imposed limits on the interface but those are generally derived from public standards such as HTML, XHTML Mobile Profile, and VoiceXML. So you need not make any technology choices for Step 3.

Step 4 is intellectually uninteresting and also uninteresting from an engineering point of view. An Internet service lives or dies by Steps 1 through 3. What can the service do for the user? Is the page flow comprehensible and usable? The answers to these questions are determined at Steps 1 through 3. However, Step 4 is where you have a huge range of technology choices and therefore it seems to generate a lot of discussion. This course and this book are neutral on the subject of how you go about Step 4 but we provide some guidance on how to make choices.

First, though, let's step back and make sure that everyone knows HTML.


Here is some legal HTML:
My Samoyed is really hairy.

That is a perfectly acceptable HTML document. Type it up in a text editor, save it as index.html, and put it on your Web server. A Web server can serve it. A user with Netscape Navigator can view it. A search engine can index it.

Suppose you want something more expressive. You want the word really to be in italic type:

My Samoyed is <I>really</I> hairy.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The <I> is markup. It tells the browser to start rendering words in italics. The </I> closes the <I> element and stops the italics. If you want to be more tasteful, you can tell the browser to emphasize the word really:

My Samoyed is <EM>really</EM> hairy.

Most browsers use italics to emphasize, but some use boldface and browsers for ancient ASCII terminals (e.g., Lynx) have to ignore this tag or come up with a clever rendering method. A picky user with the right browser program can even customize the rendering of particular tags.

There are a few dozen more tags in HTML. You can learn them by choosing View Source from your Web browser when visiting sites whose formatting you admire. You can look at the HTML reference chapter of this book. You can learn them by starting at Yahoo's directory of HTML guides and tutorials, Or you can buy HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (Musciano and Kennedy; O'Reilly, 2002).

Document Structure

Armed with a big pile of tags, you can start strewing them among your words more or less at random. Though browsers are extremely forgiving of technically illegal markup, it is useful to know that an HTML document officially consists of two pieces: the head and the body. The head contains information about the document as a whole, such as the title. The body contains information to be displayed by the user's browser.

Another structure issue is that you should try to make sure that you close every element that you open. If your document has a <BODY> it should have a </BODY> at the end. If you start an HTML table with a <TABLE> and don't have a </TABLE>, a browser may display nothing. Tags can overlap, but you should close the most recently opened before the rest, e.g., for something both boldface and italic:

My Samoyed is <B><I>really</I></B> hairy.

Something that confuses a lot of new users is that the <P> element used to surround a paragraph has an optional closing tag </P>. Browsers by convention assume that an open <P> element is implicitly closed by the next <P> element. This leads a lot of publishers (including lazy old us) to use <P> elements as paragraph separators.

Here's the source HTML from a simply formatted Web document:

  <title>Nikon D1 Digital Camera Review</title>
 <body bgcolor=white text=black>
  <h2>Nikon D1</h2>
  by <a href="">Philip Greenspun</a>
  Little black spots are appearing at the top of every ...
  The Nikon D1 is a good digital camera for ... 
  The camera's 15.6x23.7mm CCD image sensor ...
  <h3>User Interface</h3>
  If you wanted a camera with lots of buttons, switches, and dials ...
    <a href=""></a>

Let's go through this document piece by piece (see for how it looks rendered by a browser).

The <HTML> tag at the top says "I'm an HTML document". Note that this tag is closed at the end of the document. It turns out that this tag is unnecessary. We've saved the document in the file "simply-page.html". When a user requests this document, the Web server looks at the ".html" extension and adds a MIME header to tell the user's browser that this document is of type "text/html".

The HEAD element here is useful mostly so that the TITLE element can be used to give this document a name. Whatever text you place between <TITLE> and </TITLE> will appear at the top of the user's browser window, on the Go (Netscape) or Back (MSIE) menu, and in the bookmarks menu should the user bookmark this page. After closing the head with a </HEAD>, we open the body of the document with a <BODY> tag, to which are added some parameters that set the background to white and the text to black. Some Web browsers default to a gray background, and the resulting lack of contrast between background and text is so tough on users that it may be worth changing the colors manually. This is a violation of interface design principles since it potentially introduces an inconsistency in the user's experience of the Web. However, we do it at without feeling too guilty about it because (1) a lot of browsers use a white background by default, (2) enough other publishers set a white background that our pages won't seem inconsistent, and (3) it doesn't affect the core user interface the way that setting custom link colors would.

Just below the body, we have a headline, size 2, wrapped in an <H2> tag. This will be displayed to the user at the top of the page. We probably should use <H1> but browsers typically render that in a frighteningly huge font. Underneath the headline, the phrase "Philip Greenspun" is a hypertext anchor which is why it is wrapped in an A element. The <A HREF= says "this is a hyperlink." If the reader clicks anywhere from here up to the </A> the browser should fetch

After the headline, author, and optional navigation, we put in a horizontal rule tag: <HR>. One of the good things that we learned from designer Dave Siegel (see is not to overuse horizontal rules: Real graphic designers use whitespace for separation. We use <H3> headlines in the text to separate sections and only put an <HR> at the very bottom of the document.

Underneath the last <HR>, we sign our documents with the email address of the author. This way a reader can scroll to the bottom of a browser window and find out who is responsible for what they've just read and where to send corrections. The <ADDRESS> tag usually results in an italics rendering by browser programs. Note that this one is wrapped in an anchor tag with a target of "mailto:" rather than "http:". If the user clicks on the anchor text (Philip's email address), the browser will pop up a "send mail to" window.

Picking a Programming Environment

Now you get to pick a programming environment for the rest of the semester. If you've been building RDBMS-backed Internet applications for some time, you can just use whatever you've been using. Switching tools is seldom a path to glory. If you haven't built this kind of software before, read on...

Choosing an RDBMS

There are probably three reasonable choices for an RDBMS this semester: (1) Microsoft SQL Server, (2) Oracle, and (3) PostgreSQL.

For experienced Windows programmers, Microsoft SQL Server is easy to install and administer. And if you expect to spend the rest of your professional life in a Microsoft environment you might as well learn it.

Concurrency is Oracle's strongest suit relative to its commercial competitors. In Oracle, readers never wait for writers and writers never wait for readers. Suppose the publisher at a large site starts a query at 12:00 PM summarizing usage by user. Oracle might have to spend an hour sifting through 200 GB of tracking data. The disk drives grind and one CPU is completely used up until 1:30 PM. Further suppose that User #356712 comes in at 12:30 PM and changes his email address, thus updating a row in the users table. If the usage tracking query arrives at this row at 12:45 PM, Oracle will notice that the row was last modified after the query started. Under the "I" in ACID, Oracle is required to isolate the publisher from the user's update. Oracle does this by reaching into the rollback segment and producing data from user row #356712 as it was at 12:00 PM when the query started. Here's the scenario in a table:

Time Publisher Public Web Application
12:00 PM Starts a 90-minute query summarizing usage for preceding year --
12:30 PM usage summary continues to chug away User #356712 updates email address from "" to ""
12:45 PM usage summary arrives at User #356712; Oracle reaches into rollback segment and pulls out "" for the report, since that's what the value was at 12:30 PM --
1:30 PM usage summary report completes --
How would this play out in Microsoft SQL Server? When you're reading, you take read locks on the information that you're about to read. Nobody can write until you release them. When you're writing, you take write locks on the information that you're about to update. Nobody can read or write until you release the locks. In the preceding example, User #356712 would submit his request for the address change at 12:30 PM. The thread on the Web server would be blocked waiting for the read locks to clear. How long would it wait? A full hour with a spinning/waving "browser still receiving information" icon in the upper right corner of the browser window. If you're thoughtful, you can program around this locking architecture in SQL Server, but most Internet service operators would rather just install Oracle than train their programmers to think more carefully about concurrency.

The open-source purist's only realistic choice for an RDBMS is PostgreSQL, available from In some ways, PostgreSQL has more advanced features than any commercial RDBMS, and it has an Oracle-style multi-version concurrency system. PostgreSQL is easy to install and administer, but is not used by operators of large services because there is no way to build a truly massive PostgreSQL installation or one that can tolerate hardware failures.

Most of the SQL examples in this book will use Oracle syntax. This is partly because Oracle is the world's most popular RDBMS, but mostly because Oracle is what we had running at MIT when we started working in this area back in 1994 and therefore we have whole file systems full of Oracle code. Problem set supplements (see end of chapter) may contain translations for ANSI SQL databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL.

Choosing a Procedural Language

As mentioned above, most of the time your procedural code, a.k.a. "Web scripts", will be doing little more than querying the RDBMS and merging the results with an HTML, XHTML Mobile Profile, or VoiceXML template. So your productivity and code maintainability won't be affected much by your choice of procedural language.

That said, let us put in a kind word for scripting languages. If you need to write some heavy-duty abstractions you can always do those in Java running inside Oracle or C# running within Microsoft .NET. But for your presentation layer, i.e., individual pages, don't overlook the advantages of using simpler and terser languages such as Perl, Tcl, and Visual Basic.

Choosing an Execution Environment

Below are some things to look for when choosing Web servers and Web/application servers.
one URL = one file
The first thing you should look for in an execution environment is the property that one user-visible URL corresponds to one file in the file system. It is much faster to debug a system if, given a complaint about you can know that you'll find the responsible computer program in the file system at /web/photonet/www/foobar.something. Programming environments where this is true A notable exception to this property is Java servlets. One servlet typically processes several URLs. This proves cumbersome in practice because it slows you down when trying to fix a bug in someone else's code. The ideas of modularity and code reuse are nice, but try to think about how many files a programmer must wade through in order to fix a bug. One is great. Two is probably okay. N where N is uncertain is not okay.
We said that modularity and code reuse could be tossed in favor of preserving the sacred principle of "one URL = one file". The way that you get modularity and code reuse back is via filters, the ability to instruct the Web server to "run this fragment of code before serving any URL that starts with /yow/". This is particularly useful for access control code. Suppose that you have fifteen scripts that constitute the administration experience for a contest system. You want to make sure that only authorized administrators can use the pages. Checking for administrative access requires an SQL query. You could write a procedure called CheckForContestAdminAuthority and instruct your script authors to include a call to this procedure in each of the fifteen admin scripts. You've still got fifteen copies of some code: one IF statement, one procedure call, and a call to an error message procedure if CheckForContestAdminAuthority returns "unauthorized". But the SQL query occurs only in one place and can be updated centrally.

The main problem with this approach is not the fifteen copies of the IF statement and its consequents. The problem is that inevitably one of the script authors will forget to include the check. So your site has a security hole. You close the hole and eliminate fourteen copies of the IF statement by installing the code as a server filter. Note that for this to work the filter mechanism must include an API for aborting service of the requested page. Your filter needs to be able to tell the Web server "Don't proceed with serving the user with the script or document requested".

abstract URLs
As an engineer your primary contributions to an Internet service will be data model and interaction design (Steps 1 through 3). When you're sketching the page flow for a discussion forum on a white board you give the pages names such as "all-topics", "one-topic", "one-thread", "post-reply", "post-reply-confirm", etc. Let's call these abstract URLs. Suppose that you elect to implement your service in Java Server Pages. Does it make sense to have the URLs be "all-topics.jsp", "one-topic.jsp", "one-thread.jsp", etc.? Why should the users see that you've used JSP? Should they care? And if you change your mind and switch to Perl, will you change the user-visible URLs to "", "", "", etc.? This will break everyone's bookmarks. More importantly, this change will break all of the links from other sites to yours. That's a high price to pay for an implementation change that should have been invisible to end-users.

You need a Web programming environment powerful enough that you can build something that we'll call a request processor. This program looks at an incoming abstract URL, e.g., "one-topic", and follows the following logic:

(You'll want to customize the preference order for your server.)
centralized logging of RDBMS queries
The main job of your Web scripts will be to formulate SQL queries and transactions. If things go wrong the most valuable information that you can get is "what did my Web scripts tell the RDBMS to do and in what order". The best Web/application server programs have a single error log file into which they will optionally write all the queries that are sent to the RDBMS.


After solving these problems you will know If you're using Microsoft .NET, you'll find the examples helpful in

Exercise 1: Finding Your Place in the World

Find your Web server's page root, the directory where the Web server begins looking for files. Put a file there named "index.html" and fill it with text identifying this as your server. Include your hyperlinked email address at the bottom of the page.

Connect to your server from a Web browser, using only the host name. For the rest of this problem set, we're going to assume that your hostname is "". Verify that when you request your customized page is presented. If you get a directory listing instead your Web server is probably not configured to look for index files named "index.html"; you'll have to reconfigure your server. Now use an HTML validator to make sure that your HTML is legal (see Yahoo's directory of HTML validators at for a list of programs and services).

You've made at least two requests from your Web server now. These will have been logged in the server access log. Find it in the file system and verify that the times and files requested shown make sense to you.

Exercise 2: Your first program

Create a subdirectory called "basics" at the same level in the file system as the index.html file that you just created, i.e., basics should be one level below the Web server root. This directory should be accessible at

Put a file in the directory so that it is accessible at (if you haven't yet figured out how to implement abstract URLs, this may be "" or "my-first-program.asp" or similar).

When we visit we should see the current time wrapped in a legal HTML page of some sort, signed with your email address.

Add some code that will generate a divide-by-zero error to your program. Find and visit the server error log to see how this error is communicated to you. With some execution environments, it may be possible to have the error message and stack backtrace presented to you in the browser window when the error occurs. If you can configure your server thusly, you'll find that debugging goes much faster this semester. If not, make sure that you know how to quickly display the latest errors. On a Unix machine you'd use the command "tail -f error.log" in a shell or "M-x revert-buffer" in an Emacs editor visiting the error log.

Just before the code that generates the divide-by-zero error, add a line of code to write the following message into the error log: "About to divide by zero". Request from a browser again and then visit the error log to verify that your "About to divide by zero" statement precedes the actual error.

Exercise 3: Processing Forms

Visit and look at the focal length calculator under "Exactly how long a lens do you need?"

Make this service work on your server. Note that this will involve (1) learning a bit about HTML forms, (2) following the "view the source code" link on the results page at and pulling the mathematical formula out of the program there, (3) parking a static .html file containing the form on your server at /basics/lens-calculator, and (4) parking a program to process the form at /basics/lens-calculator-2.

(Note the naming convention above. When possible this semester we'd like you to adhere to the idea that a script that processes a form at "foobar" is found at "foobar-2". If there is a pipeline of steps that a user must follow, we like to see them at "foobar", "foobar-2", "foobar-3", etc.)

Exercise 3a: Add a View Source Link

A big part of our work this semester is looking at other folks' source code. We do this so that we can examine alternative approaches to the same problem. You can facilitate this by adding a "view source" link to the bottom of the page that you just made. A user who clicks on this link ought to be served a file showing all of the source code behind the page in question, but not including procedures shared with other pages on the site.

Hints: you'll want to deliver your script and any template file, if applicable, with a MIME type of "text/plain". This way the receiving browser won't try to render the HTML source. Some Web browsers are super aggressive and try to render anything that looks like HTML, even if it comes through without the text/html MIME type. An alternative approach that works with such browsers is to quote all of your HTML by replacing < with &lt;, > with &gt;, and & with &amp;, then wrap source code in a <PRE> tag.

Servers that query foreign servers

Some of the highest achievement-to-effort ratios can be achieved by aggregating information from multiple existing data sources. Consider, for example, the Bill Gates Personal Wealth Clock, at (Figure 2.3). This program queries a public stock quote server (the first "foreign server") to find the current price of Microsoft Corporation stock. The second foreign server queried is a U.S. Census Bureau "population clock" for an estimate of the current U.S. population.

Figure 2.3: The Bill Gates Personal Wealth Clock. This program queries a public stock quote server to find the price of Microsoft stock and the U.S. Census Bureau's server for the current U.S. population, then combines the numbers on one page.

There are several interesting things about this program, which was built by one of the authors in 1995. One is that it was enabled by the existence of a procedure built into AOLserver that went out and grabbed a page from the wider Internet, ns_httpget. This enabled the entire project to be completed in one hour. Engineering is all about cost. If building this little application would have required several days of work it probably would not have been done. A second item worth noting is that the program has required substantial maintenance over the years, far exceeding its initial development cost. The program relies on using regular expressions to pull data out of HTML pages that are designed for human eyes. As the publishers of the underlying data sources have changed their HTML formatting over the years, these regular expressions have had to be updated.

The final point worth mentioning about this program is that part of the hour of coding went into building a general-purpose caching or memoization system to record the results of evaluating any Tcl expression in a global variable. Why? It seemed like bad netiquette to write a program that had the potential to impose an unreasonable load on the Census Bureau and stock quote servers. Also, in the event that the Wealth Clock became popular it would be asking the underlying servers several times a second for the same data. Lastly it seemed that users shouldn't have to wait for the two subsidiary pages to be fetched if they didn't need up-to-the-minute data. With the complete HTML page stored in a global variable, it is available from AOLserver's virtual memory space and can be accessed much faster than even a static file. Users who want a real-time answer can demand one with an extra mouse click. The calculation performed for them then updates the cache for casual users.

The caching mechanism might sound like overengineering but from time to time the Wealth Clock would be linked to from extremely popular news sites and receive several requests per second. The ability to handle a reasonably high load like that, back in the mid-1990s, without an enormous server farm was rather rare. Had those requests been passed directly through to the Census Bureau, for example, the entire service would have slowed to a crawl.

The source code for this program is available at and may prove helpful in doing the next exercise.

Exercise 4: Comparative Book Shopping

Drawing upon the Bill Gates Personal Wealth Clock and its source code as a model, build a new Web application that takes the ISBN of a book from a form and queries several online bookstores to find price and stock information. The results should be displayed in an HTML table (price and in stock/out of stock at each store). Make your service available at /basics/books (the entry form) and /basics/books-2 (the results page).

We suggest querying and Your program should be robust to timeouts, errors at the foreign sites, and network problems. In other words, in no situation should your user ever get a "Server Error 500" page. To ensure this you'll have to learn about exception handling in your chosen language. In Java, for example, you'll want to use try and catch. Test your program with the following ISBNs: 0590353403, 0140260404, 0679762906, 1588750019.

Try adding more bookstores, but you may have trouble getting them to work. For example, and tend to respond with a 302 redirect if the client doesn't give them a session ID in the query.

Extra credit: Which of the preceding books states that "The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers"?

"Remember that it is a mistake to compare Harry Potter to Shakespeare... That's because Harry Potter is a fictional character whereas Shakespeare was an author. What you really ought to be doing is comparing J.K. Rowling to Shakespeare" -- Jin S. Choi.

Exercise 5: Talking to the RDBMS

It turns out that it takes less time to learn the basics of SQL than it does to figure out how to deliver an SQL command to your RDBMS. These instructions are for Oracle. Refer to your supplement if you're using another RDBMS.

On Unix, the most convenient way to drive Oracle is generally from within Emacs, assuming you're already an Emacs user. Type "M-x shell" to get a Unix shell. Type "M-x rename-buffer" to rename the shell to "sql-shell" so that you can always type "M-x shell" again and get an operating system shell. In the sql-shell buffer type "sqlplus" to start SQL*Plus, the Oracle shell client. If you're using Windows, look for the program "SQLPLUS.EXE" or "PLUS80.EXE".

SQL*Plus will prompt you for a username and password. If you're using a school-supplied development server, you may need to get these from your TA. If you set up the RDBMS yourself, you might need to create a new tablespace and user before you can do this exercise.

Type the following at the SQL*Plus prompt to create a table for keeping track of the classes you're taking this semester:

create table my_courses (
	course_number	varchar(20)
Note that you have to end your SQL commands with a semicolon in SQL*Plus. These are not part of the SQL language and you shouldn't use these when writing SQL in your Web scripts.

Insert a few rows, e.g.,

insert into my_courses (course_number) values ('6.171');

See what you've got:

select * from my_courses;

Commit your changes:

Note that until you typed this COMMIT, another connected database user wouldn't have been able to see the row that you inserted. "Connected database user" includes the Web server. A common source of student consternation with Oracle is that they've inserted information with SQL*Plus and neglected to COMMIT. The new information does not appear on any of their Web pages, and they tear their hair out debugging. Of course nothing is wrong with their scripts. It is just that the ACID guarantees mean that the Web server sees a different view of the database than the user who is in the middle of a transaction.

Your view of the table shouldn't change after a COMMIT, but maybe check again:

select * from my_courses;
One of the main benefits of using an RDBMS is persistence. Everything that you create stays around even after you log out. Normally, that's a good thing, but in this case you probably want to clean up after your experiment:
drop table my_courses;
Quit SQL*Plus with the quit command.

Reading Interlude

Now would be a good time to take a break and read about SQL. We suggest chapters 1 through 9 of SQL for Web Nerds at

Exercise 6: Web scripts that talk to the RDBMS

Look at the file, which is pseudo-code for a page that displays quotations that have been stored in the Oracle database.

If your instructors are being nice to you, they'll already have translated this pseudo-code into something that works with the infrastructure you're using at your school. If not, you'll have to translate it yourself, along with . Park your finished program at /basics/quotations (plus a file extension if you must). Add a hyperlink from your site index page to this service.

Use the form on the Web page to manually add some quotations. If you don't feel inspired to surf, here are a few to get you going:

Return to your RDBMS shell client (e.g., SQL*Plus for Oracle) and select * from the table to see that your quotation has been inserted into the table.

In your RDBMS shell client, insert a quotation with some hand-coded SQL. To see the form of the SQL INSERT command you should use, examine the code on the page quotation-add. After creating this new table row, do select * again, and you should now see two rows.

Hint: Don't forget that SQL quotes strings using single quotes, not double quotes .

Now reload the quotations URL from your Web browser. If you don't see your new quotation here, that's because you didn't type "commit;" at SQL*Plus and the Web server is being protected from seeing the unfinished transaction.

Exercise 6a: Eliminating the lock table via a sequence

Read about Oracle's sequence database object in the "Data Modeling" and "Transactions" chapters of SQL for Web Nerds at and By creating a sequence, you should be able to edit the quotation-add script to

Exercise 7: Improving the user interface for data entry

Go back to the main quotations page and modify it so that categories entry is done via a select box of existing categories (you will want to use the "SELECT DISTINCT" SQL command). For new categories, provide an alternative text entry box labeled "new category". Make sure to modify quotation-add so that it recognizes when a new category is being defined.

Exercise 8: Searching

Add a small form at the top of /basics/quotations that takes a single query word from the user. Build a target for this form that returns all quotes containing the specified word. Your search should be case-insensitive and also look through the authors column. Hints: like '%foo%' and SQL's UPPER and LOWER functions.

Exercise 9: Personalizing your service with cookies

Now implement per-browser personalization of the quotation database. The overall goal should be You'll implement this using cookies. From your technology supplement you'll need to learn how to read the incoming HTTP request headers and then parse out the Cookie header or perhaps you'll have an API that makes it easy to get the value of a particular cookie. Note that you can expire a cookie by reissuing it with an expiration date that has already passed.

Hint 1: It is possible to build this system using an ID cookie for the browser and keeping the set of killed quotations in the RDBMS. However, if you're not going to allow users to log in and claim their profile, there really isn't much point in keeping data on the server.

Hint 2: It isn't strictly copacetic with the cookie spec, but browsers accept cookie values containing spaces. So you can store the killed quotations as a space-separated list if you like.

Hint 3: Don't filter the quotations in your Web script. It is generally a sign of incompetent programming when you query more data from the RDBMS than you're going to display to the end-user. SQL is a very powerful query language. You can use the NOT IN feature to exclude a list of quotations.

Exercise 10: Publishing data in XML

As you learned above from querying bookstores, data on the Web have not traditionally been formatted for convenient use by computer programs. In theory, people who wish to exchange data over the Web can cooperate using XML, a 1998 standard from the Web Consortium ( In practice, you'll be hard-pressed to get any XML-based cooperation from the average Web site right now (2005). Fortunately for your sake in completing this problem set, you can cooperate with your fellow students: the overall goal is to make quotations in your database exportable in a structured format so that other students' applications can read them.

Here's what we need in order to cooperate:

(In point of fact, we could avoid the need for prior agreement by setting up infrastructures for service discovery and by employing techniques for self-describing data — both of which we'll deal with later in the semester — but we'll keep things simple for now.)

We'll format the quotations using XML, a conventional notation for describing structured data. XML structures consist of data strings enclosed in HTML-like tags of the form <foo> and </foo>, describing what kind of thing the data is supposed to be.

Here's an informal example, showing the structure we'll use for our quotations:

    <author_name>Britney Spears</author_name>
    <category>Pop Musician Leisure Activities</category>
    <quote>I shop, go to movies, soak up the sun when possible and go out to eat.</quote>
  .. another row from the quotations table ...
  ... some more rows
Notice that there's a separate tag for each column in our SQL data model:
There's also a "wrapper" tag that identifies each row as a <onequote> structure, and an outer wrapper that identifies a sequence of <onequote> structures as a <quotations> document.

Building a DTD

We can give a formal description of our XML structure, rather than an informal example, by means of an XML Document Type Definition (DTD).

Our DTD will start with a definition of the quotations tag:

<!ELEMENT quotations (onequote)+>
This says that the quotations element must contain at least one occurrence of onequote but may contain more than one. Now we have to say what constitutes a legal onequote element:
<!ELEMENT onequote (quotation_id,insertion_date,author_name,category,quote)>
This says that the sub-elements, such as quotation_id must each appear exactly once and in the specified order. Now we have to define an XML element that actually contains something other than other XML elements:
<!ELEMENT quotation_id (#PCDATA)>
This says that whatever falls between <quotation_id> and </quotation_id> is to be interpreted as raw characters rather than as containing further tags (PCDATA stands for "parsed character data").

Here's our complete DTD:

<!-- quotations.dtd -->
<!ELEMENT quotations (onequote)+>

<!ELEMENT onequote (quotation_id,insertion_date,author_name,category,quote)>

<!ELEMENT quotation_id (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT insertion_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT author_name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT category (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT quote (#PCDATA)>
You will find this extremely useful... Hey, actually you won't find this DTD useful at all for completing this part of the problem set. The only situation in which a DTD is useful is when feeding documents to an XML parser because then the parser can automatically tokenize each XML document. For implementing your quotations-xml page, you will only need to look at the informal example.

The meat of this exercise: Write a script that queries the quotations table, produces an XML document in the preceding form, and returns it to the client with a MIME type of "application/xml". Place this in the file system at /basics/quotations-xml, so that other users can retrieve the data by visiting that agreed-upon URL.

Exercise 11: Importing XML

Write a program to import the quotations from another student's XML output page. Your program must

Hint: You can set up a temporary table using create table quotations_temp as select * from quotations and then drop it after you're done debugging, so that you don't mess up your own quotations database.

You are not expected to write an XML parser as part of this exercise. You will either use a general-purpose XML parser or your TAs will give you a simple program that is capable only of parsing this particular format. If you aren't getting any help from your TAs and you're using Oracle, keep in mind that the Oracle RDBMS has extensive built-in support for processing XML. Read the Oracle documentation, notably the Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB. If you're using Java or Perl there are plenty of free open-source XML parsers available. The Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library contains classes that provide a full set of XML tools.

Exercise 12: Taking Credit

Please go through your source code files. Make sure that there is a header at the top explaining (1) who wrote the code, (2) on what date it was written, and (3) what problem it is trying to solve. Please go through your Web pages. Make sure that at the bottom of each page there is a mailto: link to your permanent email address.

It is your professional obligation to other programmers to take responsibility for your source code. It is your professional obligation to end-users to take responsibility for their experience with your program.

Database Exercises

We're going to shift gears now into a portion of the problem set designed to teach you more about the RDBMS and SQL. See your supplement if you're using an RDBMS other than Oracle.

To facilitate turning in your problem set, keep a text file transcript of relevant parts of your database session at

DB Exercise 1: SQL*Loader

Depending on how resourceful you are with skimming documentation, this exercise can take fifteen minutes or a lifetime. The book Oracle: The Complete Reference, discussed in the More section of this chapter is very helpful. You can also read about SQL*Loader in the official Oracle docs, linked from, typically in the Utilities book. Note that finding Oracle documentation online requires a bit of persistence and oftentimes registration (free). Look for links that say "view library" and tabs that say "books".

DB Exercise 2: Copying Data from One Table to Another

This exercise exists because we found that, when faced with the task of moving data from one table to another, programmers were dragging the data across SQL*Net from Oracle into their Web server, manipulating it in a Web script, then pushing it back into Oracle over SQL*Net. This is not the way! SQL is a very powerful language and there is no need to bring in any other tools if what you want to do is move data around within the RDBMS.

DB Exercise 3: JOIN

With a single SQL statement JOINing my_stocks and stock_prices, produce a report showing symbol, number of shares, price per share, and current value.

DB Exercise 4: OUTER JOIN

Insert a row into my_stocks. Rerun your query from the previous exercise. Notice that your new stock does not appear in the report. This is because you've JOINed them with the constraint that the symbol appear in both tables.

Modify your statement to use an OUTER JOIN instead so that you'll get a complete report of all your stocks, but won't get price information if none is available.

DB Exercise 5: PL/SQL

Inspired by Wall Street's methods for valuing Internet companies, we've developed our own valuation method for this problem set: a stock is valued at the sum of the ASCII characters making up its symbol. (Note that students who've used lowercase letters to represent symbols will have higher-valued portfolios than those who've used all-uppercase symbols; "IBM" is worth only $216 whereas "ibm" is worth $312!) SQL*Plus Tip: though it is not part of the SQL language, you will find it very useful to type "/" after your PL/SQL definitions if you're feeding them to Oracle via the SQL*Plus application. Unless you write perfect code, you'll also want to know about the SQL*Plus command "show errors". For exposure to the full range of this kind of obscurantism, see the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference, one of the books included in Oracle's database documentation.

DB Exercise 6: Buy More of the Winners

Rather than taking your profits on the winners, buy more of them! Rerun your query from DB Exercise 4. Note that in some cases you will have two rows for the same symbol. If what you're really interested in is your current position, you want a report with at most one row per symbol.

DB Exercise 7: Encapsulate Your Queries with a View

Using the final query above, create a view called stocks_i_like that encapsulates the final query.


Problem Set Supplements

Time and Motion

The luckiest students spend only two hours setting up their RDBMS and development environment. An average student who makes reasonable technology choices can expect to spend a day or two getting things connected properly. Some students who are unlucky with sysadmin, hardware, or who are not resourceful with Internet and face-to-face sources of help can spend many days without building a working environment. At MIT we have the students start on sysadmin/dbadmin at least three weeks before the first class.

Given an established development environment, the exercises in this chapter take between six and twelve hours for MIT students working in a lab where teaching assistants are available and possibly as long as twenty hours for those working by themselves.

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