LearnHowToFly.org User Profile 2: Dr. Melvin Cohen
- Name: Dr. Melvin Cohen
- Age: 45, married to an internist, two kids aged 6 and 10
- Address: McMansion on the outskirts of Spokane, Washington
- Occupation: Radiologist
- Income: $286,000/year [2002 nationwide average for all radiologists;
keep this in mind when picking a career!] plus wife earns $150,000/year
from her part-time internal medicine practice
- Flying Experience: 225 hours airplane single-engine land over the
last three years; Private Certificate; rents airplanes from local flying
club; 20 hours of instrument training
- Short-term Goal: Obtain a instrument rating
- Long-term Goal: Purchase and safely operate a 6-passenger turboprop
(turbine-powered propeller) airplane to get the whole family up to ski
resorts in British Columbia. Find a partner with whom to share the cost
of the plane ($2 million).
- Immediate Questions: What are the best prep materials for the
FAA written test? Should I do some simulator training or do everything
in an actual airplane? How much training does one need before getting
insurance on a Pilatus PC-12?
- Other Interests: riding a Harley-Davidson while wearing a "Better
your sister in a whorehouse than your brother on a Honda" T-shirt,
European vacations, fly fishing, cultivating 1-acre backyard Japanese
garden and Koi pond
- Computer: Brand new Dell desktop running Windows XP; cable modem
- Experience with information technology: Contacting Koi experts and
breeders in Japan via Web and email, renting villas in Europe via the
Notes: this is a fictitious user profile constructed to assist
engineers building the online learning community LearnHowToFly.org. The
photo, courtesy http://philip.greenspun.com,
is unrelated to the text information on this page. All of the text,
including the person's name, is made up.