LearnHowToFly.org User Profile 3: Mindy Silverblatt
- Name: Mindy Silverblatt
- Age: 32, divorced from dentist husband, no kids
- Address: apartment complex in Parsippany, New Jersey
- Occupation: librarian
- Income: $38,000/year
- Flying Experience: 500 hours airplane single-engine land, instrument
rated, used to fly a lot with her pilot father
- Short-term Goal: Maintain instrument proficiency
- Long-term Goal: Become a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) and
work weekends at the local flight school
- Immediate Questions: Is anyone about to go up in a rented airplane
who needs a safety pilot? [When practicing instrument flying one pilot
wears a hood that reveals only the gauges; the safety pilot looks out
the window to make sure that the pilot wearing the hood does not run
into another airplane. Note that this question would argue for the
inclusion in the online community of a shared calendar through which
pilots could communicate their plans.]
- Other Interests: Salsa dancing, cooking, archaeology fieldwork vacations
- Computer: Too fashionable for an old-style PC or a wired phone line.
Does all of her talking and most of her personal Web access from a
hiptop [see www.danger.com].
- Experience with information technology: Extensive use of Google,
Lexis/Nexis and other online research tools.
Notes: this is a fictitious user profile constructed to assist
engineers building the online learning community LearnHowToFly.org. The
photo, courtesy http://philip.greenspun.com,
is unrelated to the text information on this page. All of the text,
including the person's name, is made up.