After graduating from MIT, it is often hard for alums to keep in touch and socialize with other MIT alums in the area. Our project is a knowledge-sharing web site that fosters MIT communities throughout the world. Unlike a static-page web site, our site provides the MIT community members with the information and collaboration they need to maintain their MIT community of interest. Users can interact on a central web site by organizing and signing up for events and by posting discussions about events, restaurants, and locations. We are Evite catered to the MIT community.


Functionality provided for events include:
  • Viewing all upcoming / archived events by category, name, or date
  • Viewing the details of a particular event (description, attendees, location, etc.)
  • Submitting an event request
  • Approving/rejecting an event
  • Updating/Planning an event
  • Announcing an event
  • Signing up for an event
  • Tracking attendees for an event
  • Tracking users who did not show up to an event
  • Tracking type of user payments for events

MIT Club of Boston Main Page

Event Request Form

Event Planning Form

Event Information

Event Planning

Detailed instructions about how to plan an event are provided on both the event request form (see the above image) and the event planning form (see the image to the left).

The typical procedure for planning an event is as follows:

  • Submit an event request form
  • Wait for approval from a club administrator
  • Plan the specific details of the event
  • Announce the event once all of the details are set
  • Update or make adjustments to the event if necessary
  • Track the attendees and payments for the event

Knowledge Management

A key feature of the event module is the ability for event organizers to offer advice to future organizers. Organizers can write reviews about popular event locations and restaurants and give general tips about dates and times, transportation, food, speakers, and other logistics. These reviews and general advice are stored in knowledge management pages, which are linked to from both the event request page and the event planning page. Organizers can contribute to the knowledge management pages via "Post a Review" links provided on the event description page (see the image to the left).


Functionality provided to administrators include:
  • Adding members to an MIT Club
  • Adding new MIT Clubs
  • Viewing members of MIT Clubs
  • Searching for members of MIT Clubs
  • Granting permissions
  • Updating Static Pages
  • Approving Events
  • Adding New Topics of Discussion
  • Tracking Club Reports
  • Excluding Users from Posting in the Discussion Forum

Most of these functions can be accessed from the administrator's index page that can only be accessed by a person that has been granted the administrative capability.

If a person has been granted administrative capabilities, he/she can access the administrator's index page by following a link on the sidebar. If a person does not have administrative persmissions, the link to the administrator's page will not appear.

Member Administration

Member administration is as easy as following links from the administrator index page. Administrators currently have the ability to add members to any club that they desire. One imposed requirement on membership is that every person must be added as a user before they can be added as a member to any MIT club. The MIT Club web site will allow administrators to add people as users regardless of whether or not they are already users, however, if they are not users, the administrator will have to create a user account for them.

Administrator Index Page

Adding a Member

Administrator Report Index

Event Report


MIT Club Reports can be accessed from the administrator index page. There are four types of reports that can be viewed on the MIT Club web site. Each type of report is organized by club. Administrators have the option of seeing reports generated for all clubs or for a particular club.

Report Description

Member Reports
  • Number of Members who have joined by Month, Year
  • Types of memberships within a club
  • Alums
Event Reports
  • Number of Events held by Month, Year
  • Number of People who showed up and signed up
Volunteer Reports
  • Number of Volunteers per month
  • Events Volunteered For
  • Event Type Report
CRM Reports
  • Event Attendance by Event

The MIT Club of Boston web site began operation in February 2002. It was created by the volunteer efforts of Amy Chu, Jennifer Louie, and Sherry Jenq, from MIT, and Hillary Hudis from the MIT Club of Boston board, with the constant encouragement of Philip Greenspun and Hal Abelson.
