/* # Sfront, a SAOL to C translator # This file: Included file in sfront runtime # # Copyright (c) 1999-2006, Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Maintainer: John Lazzaro, lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************/ /* readabiliy-improving defines */ /********************************/ #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #define NS(x) nstate->x #define NSP nstate #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #define NG(x) global[x].f #define NGI(x) global[x].i #define NGUI(x) global[x].ui #define NGU(x) global[x] #define TB(x) bus[x] #define STB(x) sbus[x] #define ROUND(x) ( ((x) > 0.0F) ? ((int) ((x) + 0.5F)) : ((int) ((x) - 0.5F))) #define POS(x) (((x) > 0.0F) ? x : 0.0F) #define RMULT ((float)(1.0F/(RAND_MAX + 1.0F))) #define NOTUSEDYET 0 #define TOBEPLAYED 1 #define PAUSED 2 #define PLAYING 3 #define ALLDONE 4 #define NOTLAUNCHED 0 #define LAUNCHED 1 #define ASYS_DONE 0 #define ASYS_EXIT 1 #define ASYS_ERROR 2 #define IPASS 1 #define KPASS 2 #define APASS 3 #define IOERROR_RETRY 256 /************************************/ /* externs for system functions */ /************************************/ extern void epr(int, char *, char *, char *); extern size_t rread(void * ptr, size_t len, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream); extern size_t rwrite(void * ptr, size_t len, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream); /************************************/ /* union for a data stack element */ /************************************/ typedef union { float f; long i; unsigned long ui; } dstack; /************************************/ /* ntables: table entries for notes */ /************************************/ typedef struct tableinfo { int len; /* length of table */ float lenf; /* length of table, as a float */ int start; /* loop start position */ int end; /* loop end position */ float sr; /* table sampling rate */ float base; /* table base frequency */ /* precomputed constants */ int tend; /* len -1 if end==0 */ float oconst; /* len*ATIME */ unsigned long dint; /* doscil: 64-bit phase incr */ unsigned long dfrac; /* doscil: sinc interpolation */ unsigned long sfui; /* scale_factor as unsigned long */ float sffl; /* scale_factor as a float */ unsigned long dsincr; /* sinc pointer increment (d=doscil) */ float *t; /* pointer to table entries */ float stamp; /* timestamp on table contents */ char llmem; /* 1 if *t was malloced */ } tableinfo; /********************/ /* control lines */ /********************/ typedef struct scontrol_lines { float t; /* trigger time */ int label; /* index into label array */ int siptr; /* score instr line to control */ struct instr_line *iline; /* pointer to score line */ int imptr; /* position of variable in v[] */ float imval; /* value to import into v[] */ } scontrol_lines; /********************/ /* tempo lines */ /********************/ typedef struct stempo_lines { float t; /* trigger time */ float newtempo; /* new tempo */ } stempo_lines; /********************/ /* table lines */ /********************/ typedef struct stable_lines { float t; /* trigger time */ int gindex; /* global table to target */ int size; /* size of data */ void (*tmake) (); /* function */ void * data; /* data block */ } stable_lines; /********************/ /* system variables */ /********************/ /* audio and control rates */ float globaltune = 440.0F; float invglobaltune = 2.272727e-03F; float scorebeats = 0.0F; /* current score beat */ float absolutetime = 0.0F; /* current absolute time */ int kbase = 1; /* kcycle of last tempo change */ float scorebase = 0.0F; /* scorebeat of last tempo change */ /* counters & bounds acycles and kcycles */ int endkcycle; int kcycleidx = 1; int acycleidx = 0; int pass = IPASS; int beginflag; sig_atomic_t graceful_exit; struct instr_line * sysidx; int busidx; /* counter for buses */ int nextstate = 0; /* counter for active instrument state */ int oldstate; /* detects loops in nextstate updates */ int tstate; /* flag for turnoff state machine */ float cpuload; /* current cpu-time value */ int asys_argc; char ** asys_argv; int csys_argc; char ** csys_argv; int csys_sfront_argc = 7; char * csys_sfront_argv[7] = { "sfront", "-aout", "output.wav", "-orc", "sine.saol", "-sco", "sine.sasl"}; #define APPNAME "sfront" #define APPVERSION "--IDSTRING--" #define NSYS_NET 0 #define INTERP_LINEAR 0 #define INTERP_SINC 1 #define INTERP_TYPE INTERP_LINEAR #define ARATE 32000.0F #define ATIME 3.125000e-05F #define KRATE 100.0F #define KTIME 1.000000e-02F #define KMTIME 1.000000e+01F #define KUTIME 10000L #define ACYCLE 320L float tempo = 60.0F; float scoremult = 1.000000e-02F; #define ASYS_RENDER 0 #define ASYS_PLAYBACK 1 #define ASYS_TIMESYNC 2 #define ASYS_SHORT 0 #define ASYS_FLOAT 1 /* audio i/o */ #define ASYS_OCHAN 1L #define ASYS_OTYPENAME ASYS_FLOAT #define ASYS_OTYPE float long asys_osize = 0; long obusidx = 0; ASYS_OTYPE * asys_obuf = NULL; #define ASYS_USERLATENCY 0 #define ASYS_LOWLATENCY 0 #define ASYS_HIGHLATENCY 1 #define ASYS_LATENCYTYPE ASYS_HIGHLATENCY #define ASYS_LATENCY 0.300000F #define ASYS_TIMEOPTION ASYS_RENDER /* AIF or WAV output file wordsize */ #define ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_8BIT 0 #define ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_16BIT 1 #define ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_24BIT 2 #define ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE 1 #define MAXPFIELDS 1 struct instr_line { float starttime; /* score start time of note */ float endtime; /* score end time of note */ float startabs; /* absolute start time of note */ float endabs; /* absolute end time of note */ float abstime; /* absolute time extension */ float time; /* time of note start (absolute) */ float itime; /* elapsed time (absolute) */ float sdur; /* duration of note in score time*/ int kbirth; /* kcycleidx for note launch */ int released; /* flag for turnoff*/ int turnoff; /* flag for turnoff */ int noteon; /* NOTYETUSED,TOBEPLAYED,PAUSED,PLAYING,ALLDONE */ int notestate; /* index into state array */ int launch; /* only for dynamic instruments */ int numchan; /* only for MIDI notes */ int preset; /* only for MIDI notes */ int notenum; /* only for MIDI notes */ int label; /* SASL label index + 1, or 0 (no label) */ /* for static MIDI, all-sounds noteoff */ float p[MAXPFIELDS]; /* parameters */ struct ninstr_types * nstate; /* pointer into state array */ }; #define BUS_output_bus 0 #define ENDBUS_output_bus 1 #define ENDBUS 1 float bus[ENDBUS]; float fakeMIDIctrl[256]; #define GBL_STARTVAR 0 #define GBL_ENDVAR 0 /* global variables */ dstack global[GBL_ENDVAR+1]; #define GBL_ENDTBL 0 struct tableinfo gtables[GBL_ENDTBL+1]; #define tone_a 0 #define tone_x 1 #define tone_y 2 #define tone_init 3 #define tone_ENDVAR 4 #define tone_ENDTBL 0 extern void sigint_handler(int); void tone_ipass(struct ninstr_types *); void tone_kpass(struct ninstr_types *); void tone_apass(struct ninstr_types *); #define MAXENDTIME 1E+37 float endtime = 4.50F; struct instr_line s_tone[1] = { { 0.25F, MAXENDTIME, MAXENDTIME, MAXENDTIME, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 4.0F, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0.0F }, NULL }}; #define MAXSTATE 2 #define MAXVARSTATE 4 #define MAXTABLESTATE 1 /* ninstr: used for score, effects, */ /* and dynamic instruments */ struct ninstr_types { struct instr_line * iline; /* pointer to score line */ dstack v[MAXVARSTATE]; /* parameters & variables*/ struct tableinfo t[MAXTABLESTATE]; /* tables */ } ninstr[MAXSTATE]; #define ASYS_OUTDRIVER_WAV #define ASYS_HASOUTPUT /* # Sfront, a SAOL to C translator # This file: WAV audio driver for sfront # # Copyright (c) 1999-2006, Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Maintainer: John Lazzaro, lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu */ /****************************************************************/ /****************************************************************/ /* wav file audio driver for sfront */ /****************************************************************/ #include #include #if defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) /* default name for output audio file */ #define ASYSO_DEFAULTNAME "output.wav" /* global variables, must start with asyso_ */ FILE * asyso_fd; /* output file pointer */ char * asyso_name; /* name of file */ long asyso_srate; /* sampling rate */ long asyso_channels; /* number of channels */ long asyso_size; /* number of float samples _buf */ long asyso_nsamp; /* total number of samples written */ long asyso_bps; /* number of bytes per sample, 1-3 */ long asyso_doswap; /* needs byteswap on write */ float * asyso_buf; /* output floats from sfront */ unsigned char * asyso_cbuf; /* output chars to file */ #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASINPUT) /* default name for input audio file */ #define ASYSI_DEFAULTNAME "input.wav" /* only used for asysi_soundtypecheck */ #define ASYSI_MATCH 0 #define ASYSI_EOF 1 #define ASYSI_NOMATCH 2 /* global variables, must start with asysi_ */ FILE * asysi_fd; /* input file pointer */ char * asysi_name; /* name of file */ long asysi_srate; /* sampling rate */ long asysi_channels; /* number of channels */ long asysi_bytes; /* number of bytes in a buffer */ long asysi_nsamp; /* total number of samples read */ long asysi_bps; /* number of bytes per sample, 1-3 */ long asysi_doswap; /* needs byteswap on read */ unsigned char * asysi_cbuf; /* buffer of WAV file bytes */ float * asysi_buf; /* float buffer for sfront */ #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) /*********************************************************/ /* writes next block of WAV/AIFF bytes */ /*********************************************************/ int asyso_putbytes(unsigned char * c, int numbytes) { if (rwrite(c, sizeof(char), numbytes, asyso_fd) != numbytes) return ASYS_ERROR; return ASYS_DONE; } /*********************************************************/ /* writes unsigned long to a WAV files */ /*********************************************************/ int asyso_putlong(unsigned long val, int numbytes) { unsigned char c[4]; if (numbytes > 4) return ASYS_ERROR; switch (numbytes) { case 4: c[0] = (unsigned char) (val&0x000000FF); c[1] = (unsigned char)((val >> 8)&0x000000FF); c[2] = (unsigned char)((val >> 16)&0x000000FF); c[3] = (unsigned char)((val >> 24)&0x000000FF); return asyso_putbytes(c, 4); case 3: c[0] = (unsigned char) (val&0x000000FF); c[1] = (unsigned char)((val >> 8)&0x000000FF); c[2] = (unsigned char)((val >> 16)&0x000000FF); return asyso_putbytes(c, 3); case 2: c[0] = (unsigned char) (val&0x000000FF); c[1] = (unsigned char)((val >> 8)&0x000000FF); return asyso_putbytes(c, 2); case 1: c[0] = (unsigned char) (val&0x000000FF); return asyso_putbytes(c,1); default: return ASYS_ERROR; } } /****************************************************************/ /* core routine for audio output setup */ /****************************************************************/ int asyso_setup(long srate, long ochannels, long osize, char * name) { short swaptest = 0x0100; char * val; asyso_doswap = *((char *)&swaptest); if (name == NULL) val = ASYSO_DEFAULTNAME; else val = name; switch (ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE) { case ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_8BIT: asyso_bps = 1; break; case ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_16BIT: asyso_bps = 3; break; case ASYS_OUTFILE_WORDSIZE_24BIT: asyso_bps = 3; break; } asyso_name = strcpy((char *) calloc((strlen(val)+1),sizeof(char)), val); asyso_fd = fopen(asyso_name,"wb"); if (asyso_fd == NULL) return ASYS_ERROR; /* preamble for wav file */ asyso_putbytes((unsigned char *) "RIFF",4); asyso_putlong(0,4); /* patched later */ asyso_putbytes((unsigned char *) "WAVEfmt ",8); asyso_putlong(16,4); asyso_putlong(1,2); /* PCM */ asyso_putlong(ochannels,2); /* number of channels */ asyso_putlong(srate,4); /* srate */ asyso_putlong(srate*ochannels*asyso_bps, 4); /* bytes/sec */ asyso_putlong(ochannels*asyso_bps, 2); /* block align */ asyso_putlong(8*asyso_bps, 2); /* bits per sample */ asyso_putbytes((unsigned char *) "data",4); asyso_putlong(0,4); /* patched later */ asyso_srate = srate; asyso_channels = ochannels; asyso_size = osize; asyso_nsamp = 0; asyso_cbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(osize*asyso_bps); if (asyso_cbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate WAV byte output buffer (%s).\n", strerror(errno)); return ASYS_ERROR; } asyso_buf = (float *)calloc(osize, sizeof(float)); if (asyso_buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate WAV float output buffer (%s).\n", strerror(errno)); return ASYS_ERROR; } return ASYS_DONE; } #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASINPUT) /*********************************************************/ /* gets next block of WAV bytes */ /*********************************************************/ int asysi_getbytes(unsigned char * c, int numbytes) { if ((int)rread(c, sizeof(char), numbytes, asysi_fd) != numbytes) return ASYS_ERROR; return ASYS_DONE; } /*********************************************************/ /* flushes next block of WAV bytes */ /*********************************************************/ int asysi_flushbytes(int numbytes) { unsigned char c; while (numbytes > 0) { if (rread(&c, sizeof(char), 1, asysi_fd) != 1) return ASYS_ERROR; numbytes--; } return ASYS_DONE; } /*********************************************************/ /* converts byte stream to an unsigned long */ /*********************************************************/ long asysi_getlong(int numbytes, unsigned long * ret) { unsigned char c[4]; if (numbytes > 4) return ASYS_ERROR; if (ASYS_DONE != asysi_getbytes(&c[0],numbytes)) return ASYS_ERROR; switch (numbytes) { case 4: *ret = (unsigned long)c[0]; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[1] << 8; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[2] << 16; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[3] << 24; return ASYS_DONE; case 3: *ret = (unsigned long)c[0]; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[1] << 8; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[2] << 16; return ASYS_DONE; case 2: *ret = (unsigned long)c[0]; *ret |= (unsigned long)c[1] << 8; return ASYS_DONE; case 1: *ret = (unsigned long)c[0]; return ASYS_DONE; default: return ASYS_ERROR; } } /***********************************************************/ /* checks byte stream for AIFF/WAV cookie -- */ /***********************************************************/ int asysi_soundtypecheck(char * d) { char c[4]; if (rread(c, sizeof(char), 4, asysi_fd) != 4) return ASYSI_EOF; if (strncmp(c,d,4)) return ASYSI_NOMATCH; return ASYSI_MATCH; } /****************************************************************/ /* core routine for audio input setup */ /****************************************************************/ int asysi_setup(long srate, long ichannels, long isize, char * name) { short swaptest = 0x0100; unsigned long i, cookie; long len; char * val; asysi_doswap = *((char *)&swaptest); if (name == NULL) val = ASYSI_DEFAULTNAME; else val = name; asysi_name = strcpy((char *) calloc((strlen(val)+1),sizeof(char)), val); asysi_fd = fopen(asysi_name,"rb"); if (asysi_fd == NULL) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_soundtypecheck("RIFF")!= ASYSI_MATCH) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_flushbytes(4)!= ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_soundtypecheck("WAVE")!= ASYSI_MATCH) return ASYS_ERROR; while ((cookie = asysi_soundtypecheck("fmt "))!=ASYSI_MATCH) { if (cookie == ASYSI_EOF) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_getlong(4, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_flushbytes(i + (i % 2))!= ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; } if (asysi_getlong(4, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; len = i; if ((len -= 16) < 0) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_getlong(2, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (i != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can only handle PCM WAV files\n"); return ASYS_ERROR; } if (asysi_getlong(2, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (i != ichannels) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Inchannels doesn't match WAV file\n"); return ASYS_ERROR; } if (asysi_getlong(4, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (srate != i) fprintf(stderr,"Warning: SAOL srate %i mismatches WAV file srate %i\n", srate,i); asysi_flushbytes(6); if (asysi_getlong(2, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if ((i < 8) || (i > 24)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't handle %i bit data\n",i); return ASYS_ERROR; } asysi_bps = i/8; asysi_flushbytes(len + (len % 2)); while ((cookie = asysi_soundtypecheck("data"))!=ASYSI_MATCH) { if (cookie == ASYSI_EOF) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_getlong(4, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; if (asysi_flushbytes(i + (i % 2))!= ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; } if (asysi_getlong(4, &i) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; asysi_nsamp = i/asysi_bps; asysi_srate = srate; asysi_channels = ichannels; asysi_bytes = isize*asysi_bps; asysi_cbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(asysi_bytes); if (asysi_cbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate WAV input byte buffer (%s).\n", strerror(errno)); return ASYS_ERROR; } asysi_buf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*isize); if (asysi_buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate WAV input float buffer (%s).\n", strerror(errno)); return ASYS_ERROR; } return ASYS_DONE; } #endif #if (defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) && !defined(ASYS_HASINPUT)) /****************************************************************/ /* sets up audio output for a given srate/channels */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_osetup(long srate, long ochannels, long osample, char * oname, long toption) { return asyso_setup(srate, ochannels, ASYS_OCHAN*ACYCLE, oname); } #endif #if (!defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) && defined(ASYS_HASINPUT)) /****************************************************************/ /* sets up audio input for a given srate/channels */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_isetup(long srate, long ichannels, long isample, char * iname, long toption) { return asysi_setup(srate, ichannels, ASYS_ICHAN*ACYCLE, iname); } #endif #if (defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) && defined(ASYS_HASINPUT)) /****************************************************************/ /* sets up audio input and output for a given srate/channels */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_iosetup(long srate, long ichannels, long ochannels, long isample, long osample, char * iname, char * oname, long toption) { if (asysi_setup(srate, ichannels, ASYS_ICHAN*ACYCLE, iname) != ASYS_DONE) return ASYS_ERROR; return asyso_setup(srate, ochannels, ASYS_OCHAN*ACYCLE, oname); } #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) /****************************************************************/ /* shuts down audio output system */ /****************************************************************/ void asyso_shutdown(void) { fseek(asyso_fd, 4, SEEK_SET); asyso_putlong(asyso_bps*(unsigned long)asyso_nsamp+36,4); fseek(asyso_fd, 32, SEEK_CUR); asyso_putlong(asyso_bps*(unsigned long)asyso_nsamp,4); fclose(asyso_fd); } #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASINPUT) /****************************************************************/ /* shuts down audio input system */ /****************************************************************/ void asysi_shutdown(void) { fclose(asysi_fd); } #endif #if (defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT)&&(!defined(ASYS_HASINPUT))) /****************************************************************/ /* shuts down audio output */ /****************************************************************/ void asys_oshutdown(void) { asyso_shutdown(); } #endif #if (!defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT)&&(defined(ASYS_HASINPUT))) /****************************************************************/ /* shuts down audio input device */ /****************************************************************/ void asys_ishutdown(void) { asysi_shutdown(); } #endif #if (defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT)&&(defined(ASYS_HASINPUT))) /****************************************************************/ /* shuts down audio input and output device */ /****************************************************************/ void asys_ioshutdown(void) { asysi_shutdown(); asyso_shutdown(); } #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASOUTPUT) /****************************************************************/ /* creates buffer, and generates starting silence */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_preamble(ASYS_OTYPE * asys_obuf[], long * osize) { *asys_obuf = asyso_buf; *osize = asyso_size; return ASYS_DONE; } /****************************************************************/ /* sends one frame of audio to output */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_putbuf(ASYS_OTYPE * asys_obuf[], long * osize) { float * buf = *asys_obuf; float fval; long val; long i = 0; long j = 0; switch (asyso_bps) { case 3: while (i < *osize) { fval = ((float)(pow(2, 23) - 1))*buf[i++]; val = (long)((fval >= 0.0F) ? (fval + 0.5F) : (fval - 0.5F)); asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char) (val & 0x000000FF); asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char)((val >> 8) & 0x000000FF); asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char)((val >> 16) & 0x000000FF); } break; case 2: while (i < *osize) { fval = ((float)(pow(2, 15) - 1))*buf[i++]; val = (long)((fval >= 0.0F) ? (fval + 0.5F) : (fval - 0.5F)); asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char) (val & 0x000000FF); asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char)((val >> 8) & 0x000000FF); } break; case 1: while (i < *osize) { fval = ((float)(pow(2, 7) - 1))*buf[i++]; asyso_cbuf[j++] = (unsigned char) (128 + ((char)((fval >= 0.0F) ? (fval + 0.5F) : (fval - 0.5F)))); } break; } if (rwrite(asyso_cbuf, sizeof(char), j, asyso_fd) != j) return ASYS_ERROR; asyso_nsamp += *osize; *osize = asyso_size; return ASYS_DONE; } #endif #if defined(ASYS_HASINPUT) /****************************************************************/ /* get one frame of audio from input */ /****************************************************************/ int asys_getbuf(ASYS_ITYPE * asys_ibuf[], long * isize) { long i = 0; long j = 0; if (*asys_ibuf == NULL) *asys_ibuf = asysi_buf; if (asysi_nsamp <= 0) { *isize = 0; return ASYS_DONE; } *isize = (long)rread(asysi_cbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), asysi_bytes, asysi_fd); switch (asysi_bps) { case 1: /* 8-bit */ while (i < *isize) { asysi_buf[i] = ((float)pow(2, -7))*(((short) asysi_cbuf[i]) - 128); i++; } break; case 2: /* 9-16 bit */ *isize = (*isize) / 2; while (i < *isize) { asysi_buf[i] = ((float)pow(2, -15))*((long)(asysi_cbuf[j]) + (((long)((char)(asysi_cbuf[j+1]))) << 8)); i++; j += 2; } break; case 3: /* 17-24 bit */ *isize = (*isize) / 3; while (i < *isize) { asysi_buf[i] = ((float)pow(2, -23))*((long)(asysi_cbuf[j]) + (((long)(asysi_cbuf[j+1])) << 8) + (((long)((char) asysi_cbuf[j+2])) << 16)); i++; j += 3; } break; } asysi_nsamp -= *isize; return ASYS_DONE; } #endif #undef ASYS_HASOUTPUT float ksync() { return 0.0F; } void ksyncinit(void) { } #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui void tone_ipass(struct ninstr_types * nstate) { int i; memset(&(NV(0)), 0, tone_ENDVAR*sizeof(float)); memset(&(NT(0)), 0, tone_ENDTBL*sizeof(struct tableinfo)); } #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui void tone_kpass(struct ninstr_types * nstate) { int i; } #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui void tone_apass(struct ninstr_types * nstate) { if ( NV(tone_init) == 0.0F ) { NV(tone_init) = 1.0F ; NV(tone_x) = 0.5F ; } NV(tone_x) = NV(tone_x) - 0.196307F * NV(tone_y); NV(tone_y) = NV(tone_y) + 0.196307F * NV(tone_x); TB(BUS_output_bus + 0) += NV(tone_y); } #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NS #define NS(x) 0 #undef NSP #define NSP NULL #undef NT #define NT(x) gtables[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) global[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) global[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) global[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) global[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) global[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) global[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) global[x].ui #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NS #define NS(x) 0 #undef NSP #define NSP NULL #undef NT #define NT(x) gtables[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) global[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) global[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) global[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) global[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) global[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) global[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) global[x].ui void system_init(int argc, char **argv) { int i; srand(((unsigned int)time(0))|1); asys_argc = argc; asys_argv = argv; memset(&(NV(GBL_STARTVAR)), 0, (GBL_ENDVAR-GBL_STARTVAR)*sizeof(float)); memset(&(NT(0)), 0, GBL_ENDTBL*sizeof(struct tableinfo)); #undef NS #define NS(x) nstate->x #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui for (busidx=0; busidxx #undef NSP #define NSP nstate #undef NT #define NT(x) nstate->t[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) nstate->v[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) nstate->v[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) nstate->v[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) nstate->v[x].ui #undef NS #define NS(x) 0 #undef NSP #define NSP NULL #undef NT #define NT(x) gtables[x] #undef NV #define NV(x) global[x].f #undef NVI #define NVI(x) global[x].i #undef NVUI #define NVUI(x) global[x].ui #undef NVU #define NVU(x) global[x] #undef NP #define NP(x) global[x].f #undef NPI #define NPI(x) global[x].i #undef NPUI #define NPUI(x) global[x].ui void shut_down(void) { if (graceful_exit) { fprintf(stderr, "\nShutting down system ... please wait.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If no termination in 10 seconds, use Ctrl-C or Ctrl-\\ to force exit.\n"); fflush(stderr); } asys_putbuf(&asys_obuf, &obusidx); asys_oshutdown(); } void main_apass(void) { if (s_tone[0].noteon == PLAYING) tone_apass(s_tone[0].nstate); } int main_kpass(void) { if (s_tone[0].noteon == PLAYING) tone_kpass(s_tone[0].nstate); return graceful_exit; } void main_ipass(void) { int i; sysidx = &s_tone[0]; switch(sysidx->noteon) { case PLAYING: if (sysidx->released) { if (sysidx->turnoff) { sysidx->noteon = ALLDONE; for (i = 0; i < tone_ENDTBL; i++) if (sysidx->nstate->t[i].llmem) free(sysidx->nstate->t[i].t); sysidx->nstate->iline = NULL; } else { sysidx->abstime -= KTIME; if (sysidx->abstime < 0.0F) { sysidx->noteon = ALLDONE; for (i = 0; i < tone_ENDTBL; i++) if (sysidx->nstate->t[i].llmem) free(sysidx->nstate->t[i].t); sysidx->nstate->iline = NULL; } else sysidx->turnoff = sysidx->released = 0; } } else { if (sysidx->turnoff) { sysidx->released = 1; } else { if (sysidx->endtime <= scorebeats) { if (sysidx->abstime <= 0.0F) sysidx->turnoff = sysidx->released = 1; else { sysidx->abstime -= KTIME; if (sysidx->abstime < 0.0F) sysidx->turnoff = sysidx->released = 1; } } else if ((sysidx->abstime < 0.0F) && (1.666667e-2F*tempo*sysidx->abstime + sysidx->endtime <= scorebeats)) sysidx->turnoff = sysidx->released = 1; } } break; case TOBEPLAYED: if (sysidx->starttime <= scorebeats) { sysidx->noteon = PLAYING; sysidx->notestate = nextstate; sysidx->nstate = &ninstr[nextstate]; if (sysidx->sdur >= 0.0F) sysidx->endtime = scorebeats + sysidx->sdur; sysidx->kbirth = kcycleidx; ninstr[nextstate].iline = sysidx; sysidx->time = (kcycleidx-1)*KTIME; oldstate = nextstate; nextstate = (nextstate+1) % MAXSTATE; while ((oldstate != nextstate) && (ninstr[nextstate].iline != NULL)) nextstate = (nextstate+1) % MAXSTATE; if (oldstate == nextstate) { nextstate = (nextstate+1) % MAXSTATE; while ((oldstate != nextstate) && (ninstr[nextstate].iline->time == 0.0F) && (ninstr[nextstate].iline->noteon == PLAYING)) nextstate = (nextstate+1) % MAXSTATE; ninstr[nextstate].iline->noteon = ALLDONE; ninstr[nextstate].iline = NULL; } tone_ipass(sysidx->nstate); } break; } } void main_initpass(void) { if (asys_osetup((int)ARATE, ASYS_OCHAN, ASYS_OTYPENAME, "output.wav", ASYS_TIMEOPTION) != ASYS_DONE) epr(0,NULL,NULL,"audio output device unavailable"); endkcycle = kbase + (int) (KRATE*(endtime - scorebase)*(60.0F/tempo)); if (asys_preamble(&asys_obuf, &asys_osize) != ASYS_DONE) epr(0,NULL,NULL,"audio output device unavailable"); ksyncinit(); } void main_control(void) { } /* # Sfront, a SAOL to C translator # This file: Robust file I/O, termination function # # Copyright (c) 1999-2006, Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Maintainer: John Lazzaro, lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu */ /* handles termination in case of error */ void epr(int linenum, char * filename, char * token, char * message) { fprintf(stderr, "\nRuntime Error.\n"); if (filename != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Location: File %s near line %i.\n",filename, linenum); if (token != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "While executing: %s.\n",token); if (message != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Potential problem: %s.\n",message); fprintf(stderr, "Exiting program.\n\n"); exit(-1); } /* robust replacement for fread() */ size_t rread(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream) { long recv; long len; long retry; char * c; /* fast path */ if ((recv = fread(ptr, size, nmemb, stream)) == nmemb) return nmemb; /* error recovery */ c = (char *) ptr; len = retry = 0; do { if (++retry > IOERROR_RETRY) { len = recv = 0; break; } if (feof(stream)) { clearerr(stream); break; } /* ANSI, not POSIX, so can't look for EINTR/EAGAIN */ /* Assume it was one of these and retry. */ clearerr(stream); len += recv; nmemb -= recv; } while ((recv = fread(&(c[len]), size, nmemb, stream)) != nmemb); return (len += recv); } /* robust replacement for fwrite() */ size_t rwrite(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream) { long recv; long len; long retry; char * c; /* fast path */ if ((recv = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream)) == nmemb) return nmemb; /* error recovery */ c = (char *) ptr; len = retry = 0; do { if (++retry > IOERROR_RETRY) { len = recv = 0; break; } /* ANSI, not POSIX, so can't look for EINTR/EAGAIN */ /* Assume it was one of these and retry. */ len += recv; nmemb -= recv; } while ((recv = fwrite(&(c[len]), size, nmemb, stream)) != nmemb); return (len += recv); } /* # Sfront, a SAOL to C translator # This file: Main loop for runtime # # Copyright (c) 1999-2006, Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Maintainer: John Lazzaro, lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { system_init(argc, argv); effects_init(); main_initpass(); for (kcycleidx=kbase; kcycleidx<=endkcycle; kcycleidx++) { pass = IPASS; scorebeats = scoremult*(kcycleidx - kbase) + scorebase; absolutetime = (kcycleidx - 1)*KTIME; main_ipass(); pass = KPASS; main_control(); if (main_kpass()) break; pass = APASS; for (acycleidx=0; acycleidx 1.0F) ? 1.0F : bus[busidx]; asys_obuf[obusidx++] = (bus[busidx] < -1.0F) ? -1.0F:bus[busidx]; } if (obusidx >= asys_osize) { obusidx = 0; if (asys_putbuf(&asys_obuf, &asys_osize)) { fprintf(stderr," Sfront: Audio output device problem\n\n"); kcycleidx = endkcycle; break; } } } acycleidx = 0; cpuload = ksync(); } shut_down(); return 0; }