# From Thinking in Patterns (with Java) by Bruce Eckel # At http://www.BruceEckel.com # (c)2003 Bruce Eckel # Copyright notice in Copyright.txt # Automatically-generated MAKEFILE # For examples in directory .\facade # using the JDK 1.4 compiler # Invoke with: make HOME := ../ ifndef MAKECMDGOALS MAKECMDGOALS := javac endif # Command.com is too weak to build this under Windows NT/2000: ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) COMSPEC=$(SYSTEMROOT)\system32\cmd.exe endif ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) include $(HOME)/$(MAKECMDGOALS).mac endif .SUFFIXES : .class .java .java.class : $(JVC) $(JVCFLAGS) $< javac: \ Facade.class jikes: \ Facade.class clean: ifeq ($(notdir $(SHELL)),COMMAND.COM) del *.class else rm -f *.class endif Facade.class: Facade.java $(JVC) $(JVCFLAGS) $< java facade.Facade