A good answer might be:

( 4.5, x1, w ) + ( -2.3, 3, y2 )  = ( 2.2, x1+3, w+y2 ) 

Matrix Subtraction

Two matrices of the same type can be subtracted to produce a third matrix of the same type. As you probably imagine, subtracting two matrices means subtracting the corresponding elements, being careful to keep the elements in the same order:

(10, 8, 12 ) - (2, 14, 9 ) = ( 10 - 2, 8 - 14, 12 - 9 ) = ( 8, -6, 3 )

If a and b are matrices of the same type, a - b = c means that each element ci = ai - bi


Do these two problems:

(22, 5, -12 ) - (10, -5, 3 ) = 

(10, -5, 3 ) - (22, 5, -12 ) =